Fourier Methods Guide
Changing Graph views:
1.) To rotate the graph use the up, down, left and right arrow keys on your
2.) To zoom in press "page up." To zoom out press "page down."
3.) To return the graph to the original position that it started, press "home."
4.) To change the color, background, or have the graph continuously rotate,
click on "color," "background" or "animate" in the upper tool bar while the
kinetic graph is displayed.
Changing Physical Parameters:
When the kinetic graph is displayed, you can change the physical parameters of the graph by clicking on "scroll bar" in the upper tool bar. In that menu, you will find that you can click on bubbles next to "a" and "d." When you click on either of these and the press "execute" at the bottom of the menu, you will then find a vertical scroll bar on the right side of the screen.
The following parameters can be varied in the scroll bar menu:
1.) The damped frequency (wd) can be changed by selecting "a" in the scroll
bar menu. (It varies from 0.00001 to 0.99.)
2.) The real part, imaginary part, or the combination can be viewed by
selecting "d" in the scroll bar menu. (When using the slider bar, be sure not
to drag the slider or to use the up and down arrows at the top and bottom
of the slider bar. Instead, click within the slider bar.)
3.) The scale factor for the real and imaginary parts and absolute value is adjustable by selecting "c"
in the scroll bar menu. (This is only applicable to graphs of -iz-1.)
Suggestion: Print these instructions out or reduce the DP Graph Viewer window to make these instructions visible. This will allow you to use the instructions while viewing the kinetic display more easily.
** Note: The menu under "edit" displays the equations and programming used to produce the kinetic graph. DP Graph Viewer will not allow you to change this programming and press "execute." The actual DP Grapher software is necessary for this.