Final Exam Study Guide - recommended topics to review for the final study are shown below. You are responsible for the materials covered in the class and reading assignnents in the book.
- Java collection Framework
- TreeSet and HashSet
- Review chapter 15 (pages 681-685)
- construct a HashSet or a TreeSet
- add and remove set elements
- visit all element in the set using an iterator and for each loop
- TreeMap and HashMap
- Review chapter 15 (686-691)
- construct a HashMap or a TreeMap
- add and remove elements to the map
- find all keys and values in a map, iterate through the key set and find the values that correspond to the key
- Hash and hash table
- Review chapters 16 (741-744)
- Lecture note:
Java Collection Framework pdf
Differences between hashset, treeset and linkedhashset pdf word
List, Set and Map pdf
HashSet examples pdf word
TreeSet examples pdf word
HashMap example pdf word
- Design patterns
- Unit testing