ECS 305 -- netLAB

Since Spring 2001, Dr. Maples has supervised the CECS Computer Network and Security Laboratory (netLAB). netLAB provides an environment for the study of networking infrastructures with an emphasis on the global Internet. Originally, funded by the ALCATEL Corporation, netLAB underwent major, grant-funded upgrades in both 2007 and 2011. netLAB is capable of providing state-of-the-art networking tools and technologies for both teaching
and student research projects.


The IslaNet (Isolated Secure Learning Network) located in the CECS netLAB is a multi-layered, large-scale network incorporating the key functionality and protocols of the Internet as found in the continental US.

Research Projects

Dr. Maples has a number of ongoing network research projects, which incorporate students into the research process. These projects include:
Examining the performance of Policy and Metrics for in-network caching
Accessibility issues in net EMRs (Electronic Medical Records)
Network modeling using OPNET
WSN (Wireless AdHoc Sensor Networks)
VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) and VPN (a virtual private network) testbeds