duration of the daily
labour of
prisoners of war,
including the
time of the
journey to and fro, shall not be
excessive, and must in no
case exceed that permitted for
civilian workers in the
district, who are
nationals of the
Detaining Power and employed on the same
Prisoners of war must be allowed, in the middle of the
work, a
rest of not less than one hour. This
rest will be the same as that to which
workers of the
Detaining Power are entitled, if the latter is of longer
duration. They shall be allowed in
addition a
rest of twenty-four consecutive hours every
week, preferably on Sunday or the
day of
rest in their
country of origin. Furthermore, every
prisoner who has worked for one
year shall be
granted a
rest of eight consecutive
days, during which his
working pay shall be
paid him.
methods of
labour such as piece-
work are employed, the length of the
working period shall not be rendered
excessive thereby.