Butterball & Maui

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Butterball Sadly, a neighbor across the street is very ill and she won't be returning home. Her friends, Al and Lou, have asked me to adopt her cat, Roofer who is a cute little calico.

Roofer, a.k.a. Butterball, is the fattest cat I've ever had. Poor little thing is 20" inches around the waist, which is rounder than my thigh at 19" inches. Currently, Butterball is on the Jenny Craig plan for cats:

  • low-fat diet
  • structured excercise
  • self-play
  • water
  • journal to track improvement
20 inch waist

E-mail me your comments on how to get Butterball slim.

MauiMaui gets along with Butterball like a brother gets along with a sister. Usually, there is drama in the morning--chasing, swipping, and hissing.

Most of the time Maui's antics are amusing, but he can get really mean. For example, he likes to sneek up on Butterball when she is in the litterbox.




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