MARS Project Leaders

MARS Project Director
Richard Behl, PhD,
PhD, Earth Sciences, UC Santa Cruz
BA, Chemistry-Earth Science, UC San Diego
Position: Professor
Department of Geological Sciences, CSULB

MARS Structural Advisor
Michael Gross, PhD,
PhD, Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, 1993
MSci, Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, 1989
BA, Geological Sciences and Anthropology, Columbia College, 1985
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Post-Doctoral Scholar and Lecturer
Pamela Hill, PhD,
PhD, Geochemistry, UC Los Angeles, June, 2010
MSc, Geology, CSU Long Beach
MSc, Physics, Univ. Washington
BA, Mathematics, Honors College, Univ. Oregon
Research: Monterey-Sisquoc-Pismo cyclostratigraphy
MARS Project Students
Amanda Seckington
MSc student, CSULB
BS, Geology, California State University Long Beach
Thesis Research: The Role of the Monterey Formation in the San Joaquin Basin as a Carbon Sink and Implications for Miocene Climate Change.
Kenton Crabtree
MSc student, CSULB
BS, Geology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
-Geology Tech, Berry Petroleum Company, LLC (2017-2019)
Thesis Research: Physical and structural properties and transformation of deeply buried diatomites, San Joaquin Basin.
Bedig Charkhutian
MSc student, CSULB
BS, General Geology, CSULA
Thesis Research: Lithostratigraphy, Sedimentology and Petrography of the Siliceous Lithofacies in the Upper Modelo Turbidite System, Eastern Ventura Basin, southern Lake Piru, California.
Ayodeji Israel Aina
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, May, 2021
BS, Geology, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Position: PhD Candidate, UT Austin
-Geoscience Intern, Berry Petroleum, LLC (2019)
-Management trainee at Dangote Cement PLC, Nigeria (2018)
-Geology Intern, Ministry
of Solid Material, Kogi, Nigeria (2014)
Thesis Research: Subsurface Characterization of the Lower to Middle Miocene Monterey Formation-Equivalent Strata of Long Beach Oil Field, Los Angeles Basin, California.
Alex Sedlak
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, December, 2020
BS, Geological Sciences, Arizona State University (Minors: Chemistry, Mathematics, and Geography)
Position: PhD Candidate, UCLA
Experience: Undergraduate thesis "Using InSAR to Investigate Injection-Induced Deformation and Seismicity in Timpson, Texas"
Thesis Research: Chemostratigraphy of the Miocene Monterey Formation, San Joaquin Basin, California
Jack Farrell
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, December, 2020
BS, Geology, Union College, New York
Position: Geologist, Marathom Oil
Experience: Mudlogger, Canrig; Intern, Marathon Oil
Thesis: Lateral Variation of Siliceous Sedimentary Lithofacies in the Monterey Formation, Belridge-Lost Hills Oil Field Area, Kern County, California.
MARS Project Alumni with completed theses
Megan Mortimer-Lamb
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, December, 2019
BS, Geology, University of Oregon
Position: Geologist, Aera Energy, LLC
-Undergraduate thesis “Sandstone Petrography and Provenance of the Eocene Payne Cliffs Formation, Southwestern Oregon, and Implications for Regional Paleo-River Hypothesis”
Thesis Research: Quantitative Compositional Characterization of the Biosiliceous Miocene Lark Formation, Danish North Sea
Leo Giannetta
MSc student, CSULB COMPLETED, December, 2019
BS, Geology, University of Oregon
Position: Geologist, Chevron
-Geology Intern at EQT Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA (2017)
-Research Assistant at Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, IL (2015-2017). Paper in review: “Using Clay Microporosity to Improve Formation Evaluation in Potential Residual Oil Zones: Cypress Sandstone, Illinois Basin”
Thesis Research: 3D Stratigraphic and Compositional Characterization of the Kreyenhagen Formation at Kettleman City and Kettleman North Dome: San Joaquin Basin, California
Ryan Weller
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, May, 2018
BS, Geology, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Position: Geologist, Chevron
Experience: Wellsite Geologist, varied consulting, Australia (2009-2014)
-Staff Geologist, SWCA Environmental (2008)
-Mudlogger, Powder River Basin, WY (2007-2008)
Thesis Research: Compositional and diagenetic relationships and controls of mechanical behavior in siliceous mudstones of the upper Monterey Formation, Belridge Oilfield, San Joaquin Basin, California
Maia Davis
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, May, 2018
BS, Geology, University of California, Santa Barbara
Position: Geologist, California Resources Corporation
Experience: Infield (Marine) Geophysicist and Seismic Data Processor, Schlumberger-WesternGeco, International (2010-2014)
Thesis Research: Spatial and geochemical characterization of anomalous, map-scale carbonate bodies in the Monterey Formation, Santa Maria Basin, California.
Yannick Wirtz
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, August, 2017
BS, Geology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Position: Consulting Geologist, Earth Consultants International, Inc.
Experience: Research Assistant, Department of Earth System Science, UC Irvine
Thesis: Strain variation between the Monterey and Sisquoc Formations, southern Santa Maria Basin, California, USA: implications for structural assessment of fold and thrust belts.
Wanjiru Njuguna
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, December, 2016
MA Geography, CSULB
Graduate Certificate in GIS, USC
BS, Geology, Tufts University
Position: Senior Storage Field Geologist, Southern California Gas Company
Experience: Geologist, California Resources Corporation
Thesis Research: Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Mixed Clastic-Biogenic Monterey Formation, Point Dume to Paradise Cove, Malibu, California.
Tesfalidet Kassa
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, August, 2016
BS, Mining engineering –Leningrad Mining Institute, Russia
Experience: Mineral Exploration Unit Head, Eritrea, Africa (1991-2004)
Thesis Research: Characterization of porosity and permeability in opal-CT and quartz phase porcelanites in the Monterey Formation, California.
Kristina Hill
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, May, 2015
BS, Geology, CSULB
BA, Geography, CSULB
Position: Staff Geologist, Ninyo & Moore
Experience: Geologic Intern, Tidelands Oil Co.
Thesis Research: Diagenetic and Compositional Controls of Wettability in Siliceous Sedimentary Rocks, Monterey Formation, California.
Idu Opral Ijeoma
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, November, 2014
BS, Chemistry,Texas Womans University
Position: Geologist, U.S. Bureau of Land Management
Thesis Research: A Test of Diagenetic Ordering in Siliceous Lithofacies, Monterey Formation, Southwest Casmalia Hills, Santa Maria Basin, California.
Daniel Torn
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, June, 2014
BS., Geological Sciences, San Diego State University
Position: Engineering Geologist, California Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources
Thesis Research: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Diatomaceous Sediments in the Casmalia Hills and Orcutt Oil Fields in the Santa Maria Basin, California.
Annie Mosher
MSc student, CSULB, COMPLETED, December, 2013
BS, Earth Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz
Position: Geologist, California Resources Corporation
Thesis: Detailed lithostratigraphic characterization of the Monterey Formation at Chico Martinez Creek, California.
Heather Strickland (now Stang)
BS, Geology, CSULB May 2011
Position: Geologist, Aera Energy LLC
Thesis Research: Fracture Networks and Mechanical Stratigraphy in the Monterey- Equivalent Pismo Formation and its Relationship to Primary Sedimentology and Stratigraphy at Montaña De Oro State Park, California.
Becca Lanners (now Schempp)
BS, Geology,California State University, Long Beach- May-2010
Position: Geologist, California Resources Corporation
Thesis: Chemostratigraphy of Hemipelagic Facies of the Monterey Formation and Equivalent Sedimentary Rocks, Los Angeles Basin, California.
Nawaf Al Shammary
BS, Univ. New Orleans, Geophysics, Minor Physics
Position: Division Head of Ghawar Field, Gas Reservoir Characterization, Saudi Aramco
Thesis: Heterogeneous Oil Saturation in Submarine Channel and Adjacent Facies, Monterey Formation, Point Fermin, Palos Verdes, California.