Business Insights operated from 1980 to 1998 as the "Official Journal of the College of Business". Each issue focused on a topic (e.g., Eastern Europe in transition, Crisis in Ethics), making the publication unique because one issue would be "Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace" and thereafter, " International Ethics". The editor found people who were active in the research area emphasized in a particular issue and invited them to write for the issue. The "Editor's Corner" in each issue announced topics for future issues in order to encourage faculty and others to contribute in these fields.

Business Insights was published semi-annually. It was originally published quarterly, but was changed to a semiannual basis as the cost of printing escalated over the years.

The circulation concluded at 3,000 as compared to 5,000 approximately 5 years ago when the deans lowered it.

A decade ago, Business Insights was primarily a magazine which, in addition to publishing a variety of articles, included sections such as "Dean's Corner", an "outlook" section on business activities in the South Bay Area, faculty profiles, and CBA news. It was changed to a refereed publication in order to take on the quality of a scholarly journal. This enhanced the image of the publication immeasurably.

Editorial Review Board