// ZFunction Class // Written by Bill Ziemer and Brendon Cheves // Based upon the Java Polygon class package cool_utils; // our cool utilities // java packages import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.lang.Math; import expr.*; // expr package Copyright 1996 by Darius Bacon public class ZFunction { public double XSCALE = 520.0; public double YSCALE = 270.0; // for scaling public double yMin,yMax; public double xMin = 0, xMax = 1; Double doubleCheck = new Double(1.0); // offscreen images //Image p = null; //Graphics g; /** * The total number of points. */ public int npoints = 0; /** * The array of x coordinates. */ public int[] xpoints; /** * The array of y coordinates. */ public int[] ypoints; /* * Bounds of the polygon. */ Rectangle bounds = null; public Expr expr; public Variable xvar; public double realArea, areaSum, fixedpt; int iterate, endit; public ZFunction() { realArea = 0.0; areaSum = 0.0; endit=4000; xpoints = new int[4]; ypoints = new int[4]; // set up the parsing variables xvar = Variable.make("x"); Variable.make("pi").set_value (Math.PI); // pi is not in the parsing classes } /* * Parse the function */ public void parse( String f ) { try { expr = Parser.parse(f); determineYMinYMax(); //return expr; } catch (Syntax_error se) { System.err.println ("Syntax error: " + se); return; } } /** * Appends a point to a function. If an * operation that calculates the bounding box has already been * performed, this method updates the bounds accordingly. * @param x the x coordinate of the point * @param y the y coordinate of the point */ public void addPoint(int x, int y) { if (npoints == xpoints.length) { int tmp[]; tmp = new int[npoints * 2]; System.arraycopy(xpoints, 0, tmp, 0, npoints); xpoints = tmp; tmp = new int[npoints * 2]; System.arraycopy(ypoints, 0, tmp, 0, npoints); ypoints = tmp; } xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints] = y; npoints++; if (bounds != null) { updateBounds(x, y); } } /* * Calculate the bounding box of the points passed to the constructor. * Sets 'bounds' to the result. */ void calculateBounds(int xpoints[], int ypoints[], int npoints) { int boundsMinX = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int boundsMinY = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int boundsMaxX = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int boundsMaxY = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { int x = xpoints[i]; boundsMinX = Math.min(boundsMinX, x); boundsMaxX = Math.max(boundsMaxX, x); int y = ypoints[i]; boundsMinY = Math.min(boundsMinY, y); boundsMaxY = Math.max(boundsMaxY, y); } bounds = new Rectangle(boundsMinX, boundsMinY, boundsMaxX - boundsMinX, boundsMaxY - boundsMinY); } /* * Update the bounding box to fit the point x, y. */ void updateBounds(int x, int y) { bounds.x = Math.min(bounds.x, x); bounds.width = Math.max(bounds.width, x - bounds.x); bounds.y = Math.min(bounds.y, y); bounds.height = Math.max(bounds.height, y - bounds.y); } /** * Determines the area spanned by this Polygon. * @return a Rectangle defining the bounds of the Polygon. */ public Rectangle getBoundingBox() { bounds.reshape((int)xMin,(int)yMax,(int)(xMax - xMin), (int)(yMax - yMin)); //if (bounds == null) //{ // calculateBounds(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); //} return bounds; } public void plot(Graphics g) { int y1, y2, j; g.setColor(Color.blue); xvar.set_value(xPixelToReal(20.0)); y1 = yRealToPixel(expr.value()); for(int i=xRealToPixel(xMin)-20; i < xRealToPixel(xMax)+20; i++) { xvar.set_value(xPixelToReal(i+1)); y2 = yRealToPixel(expr.value()); // System.out.println("g.drawLine(" + i + "," + y1 + "," + (i + 1) + "," + y2 + ");"); // Bug in drawLine that freaks when argument outside drawing area, yields spurious vertical lines if( (yRealToPixel(yMax)-20 <= y1) && (y1 <= yRealToPixel(yMin)+20)) { g.drawLine(i, y1, i+1, y2); } y1 = y2; } } // input real value, output pixel in interval [0, YSCALE] public int yRealToPixel(double yReal) { return (int)((yReal - yMax) * YSCALE / (yMin - yMax) + 10); } public int yRealToPixel(int yReal) { return (int)((yReal - yMax) * YSCALE / (yMin - yMax) + 10); } // input pixel, output real in interval [yMin, yMax] public double yPixelToReal(double yPixel) { return ((yPixel - 10) / YSCALE * (yMin - yMax) + yMax); } public double yPixelToReal(int yPixel) { return ((yPixel - 10) / YSCALE * (yMin - yMax) + yMax); } // input pixel, output real value in interval [xMIn, xMax] public double xPixelToReal(double xPixel) { return ((xPixel - 40.0) * (xMax - xMin) / XSCALE + xMin); } public double xPixelToReal(int xPixel) { return ((xPixel - 40.0) * (xMax - xMin) / XSCALE + xMin); } // input real, output pixel in interval [0, XSCALE] public int xRealToPixel(double xReal) { return (int)((xReal - xMin) / (xMax - xMin) * XSCALE + 40); } public int xRealToPixel(int xReal) { return (int)((xReal - xMin) / (xMax - xMin) * XSCALE + 40); } public void determineYMinYMax() { yMin = doubleCheck.POSITIVE_INFINITY; yMax = doubleCheck.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for(int i=xRealToPixel(xMin);i yMax) { yMax = expr.value(); } if(expr.value() < yMin) { yMin = expr.value(); } } if(yMin > 0) { yMin = 0; } } public double gaussianQuad() { double y1, y2, y3, y4, y5; xvar.set_value(.5*.9061798459+.5); y1 = expr.value(); xvar.set_value(-.5*.9061798459+.5); y2 = expr.value(); xvar.set_value(.5*.5384693101+.5); y3 = expr.value(); xvar.set_value(-.5*.5384693101+.5); y4 = expr.value(); xvar.set_value(.5); y5 = expr.value(); return .5*(.236926885*(y1+y2) +.4786286705*(y3+y4) +.5688888889*y5); } public double area(double a, double b, double err) { realArea = 0.0; iterate = 0; AdaptiveQuad(a,b,err); if (iterate >= endit) System.out.println("Error " + err + " not acheived after "+ iterate+" iterations."); return realArea; } public double area(double a, double b, double err, int ending) { realArea = 0; iterate = 0; endit = ending; AdaptiveQuad(a,b,err); return realArea; } void AdaptiveQuad(double a, double b, double err) { double y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, Simp1, Simp2; xvar.set_value(a); y1 = expr.value(); xvar.set_value( (a+b)/2.0 ); y3 = expr.value(); xvar.set_value(b); y5 = expr.value(); xvar.set_value( (3*a+b)/4.0 ); y2 = expr.value(); xvar.set_value( (a + 3*b)/4.0 ); y4 = expr.value(); Simp1 = (b-a)/6.0 * (y1 + 4*y3 + y5); Simp2 = (b-a)/12.0 * (y1 + 4*y2 + 2*y3 + 4*y4 + y5); if ((((Simp1 - Simp2) > 15.0*err) || ((Simp2 -Simp1) > 15.0*err)) & iterate < endit) { AdaptiveQuad(a,(a+b)/2.0,err/2.0); AdaptiveQuad((a+b)/2.0,b,err/2.0); iterate += 1; } else { realArea += Simp2; } } public double fixedPoint( double guess, double error) { double p_new, p_old, leftendpt, rightendpt; int iterate, tmp; // check tp see if there really is a fixed point tmp = fixedPointExists(guess); iterate = 0; p_old = guess; leftendpt = guess; rightendpt = guess; if( tmp != 0 ) // one exists { do { xvar.set_value(p_old); p_new = expr.value(); if(p_new < leftendpt) { leftendpt = p_new; } else { if(rightendpt < p_new){ rightendpt = p_new; } } if(Math.abs(p_new-p_old) <= error) { break; } p_old = p_new; iterate++; //System.out.println("Left end point: " + leftendpt + " Right end point: " + rightendpt); } while (iterate < 50 && (rightendpt - leftendpt < 10)); establishScale(.9*leftendpt, 1.1*rightendpt); yMin = xMin; yMax = xMax; if((iterate == 50) || (rightendpt - leftendpt >= 10)) // iteration fails to find it { System.out.println("Accuracy "+error+" not reached in 50 iterations"); bisection(guess, guess+.1*tmp, error); p_new = fixedpt; } } else // no fixed point exists { do { xvar.set_value(p_old); p_new = expr.value(); if(p_new < leftendpt) { leftendpt = p_new; } else { if(rightendpt < p_new){ rightendpt = p_new; } } if(Math.abs(p_new-p_old) <= error) { break; } p_old = p_new; iterate++; } while (iterate < 25 && (rightendpt - leftendpt < 10)); p_new = doubleCheck.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // System.out.println("in to establish with failed"); if(rightendpt - leftendpt >= 10) { establishScale(guess-5, guess+5); } else { establishScale(.9*leftendpt, 1.1*rightendpt); } //System.out.println("No fixed point within 10 of your initial guess"); } return p_new; } // Return 0 if no fixed point, + if fixed point to the right of guess, - if to the left. private int fixedPointExists(double guess) { double ystart, y, diff; int i=1,ans; xvar.set_value(guess); if(expr.value() - guess == Math.abs(expr.value()-guess)) { ystart = 1; } else { ystart = -1; } do { xvar.set_value(guess + .1*i); if( expr.value() - (guess + .1*i)== Math.abs(expr.value() - (guess + .1*i))) { y = 1; } else { y = -1; } i++; } while( ystart - y == 0 && i < 100); if(ystart - y != 0) { ans = i; // found a fixed point to the right, i tenth's over //System.out.println("found a fixed point to the right"); } else // check to the left { i = 1; do { xvar.set_value(guess - .1*i); if( expr.value() - (guess - .1*i)== Math.abs(expr.value() - (guess - .1*i))) { y = 1; } else { y = -1; } i++; } while( ystart - y == 0 && i < 100); if(ystart - y != 0) { ans = -i; // found a fixed point to the left, i tenth's over //System.out.println("found a fixed point to the left"); } else { ans = 0; //System.out.println("Didn't find a fixed point"); } } return ans; } //Use old tried and true bisection method to get fixed point private void bisection(double a, double b, double err) { double ya, yb, ymid; xvar.set_value( a ); ya = expr.value() - a; xvar.set_value( b ); yb = expr.value() - b; xvar.set_value( (a+b)/2 ); ymid = expr.value()-(a+b)/2 ; if( b-a <= err) { fixedpt = a; } else { if( (ya > 0) && (ymid < 0) || (ya < 0) && (ymid > 0) ) { bisection(a, (a+b)/2, err); } else { bisection( (a+b)/2, b, err); } } } public void drawRectangles(Graphics g,int dx, double r) { int x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,w=0,h=0,delta,tempy1,tempy2, tempy3; int[] xPoints = new int[5]; int[] yPoints = new int[5]; y2 = yRealToPixel(0); areaSum = 0; for(x1 = xRealToPixel(xMin),x2 = x1 + dx; x2 <= xRealToPixel(xMax); x2 += dx ) { g.setColor(Color.orange); xvar.set_value(r*xPixelToReal(x1)+(1-r)*xPixelToReal(x2)); y1 = (int)yRealToPixel(expr.value()); areaSum += dx / XSCALE * expr.value(); if(y25) { g.setColor(Color.black); tempy1 = y1; for(int i= x1 ; i < x3 ; i++) { // plotting quadratic top tempy2 = y3 * ((i+1-x1)*(i+1-x2))/((x3-x1)*(x3-x2)) + y2 * ((i+1-x1)*(i+1-x3))/((x2-x1)*(x2-x3)) + y1 * ((i+1-x3)*(i+1-x2))/((x1-x3)*(x1-x2)); g.drawLine(i,tempy1,i+1,tempy2); tempy1 = tempy2; } } g.setColor(Color.darkGray); g.drawLine(x1,y1,x1,yRealToPixel(0)); if (y2 < yRealToPixel(0) ) { for(int i = y2; i < yRealToPixel(0)-2; i+=8) { g.drawLine(x2,i,x2,i+4); } } else { for(int i = yRealToPixel(0); i < y2-2; i+=8) { g.drawLine(x2,i,x2,i+4); } } g.drawLine(x3,y3,x3,yRealToPixel(0)); } x1 += 2*dx; x2 += dx; } // xMax quadratic topped rect if(x1 > xRealToPixel(xMax)) { x1 -= 2*dx; } w = (int)((xRealToPixel(xMax) - x1)/2.0); x2 = x1 + w; x3 = x2 + w; xvar.set_value(xPixelToReal(x1)); realy1 = expr.value(); y1 = (int)yRealToPixel(expr.value()); xvar.set_value(xPixelToReal(x2)); realy2 = expr.value(); y2 = (int)yRealToPixel(expr.value()); xvar.set_value(xPixelToReal(x3)); realy3 = expr.value(); y3 = (int)yRealToPixel(expr.value()); areaSum += (w / XSCALE) * ((realy1 + 4 * realy2 + realy3) / 3.0); g.setColor(Color.black); tempy1 = y1; for(int i= x1 ; i < x3 ; i++) { // plotting quadratic top tempy2 = y3 * ((i+1-x1)*(i+1-x2))/((x3-x1)*(x3-x2)) + y2 * ((i+1-x1)*(i+1-x3))/((x2-x1)*(x2-x3)) + y1 * ((i+1-x3)*(i+1-x2))/((x1-x3)*(x1-x2)); g.drawLine(i,tempy1,i+1,tempy2); tempy1 = tempy2; } g.setColor(Color.darkGray); g.drawLine(x1,y1,x1,yRealToPixel(0)); for(int i = Math.min(y2,yRealToPixel(0)); i < Math.max(y2,yRealToPixel(0))-2; i+=8) { g.drawLine(x2,i,x2,i+4); } g.drawLine(x3,y3,x3,yRealToPixel(0)); } public void establishScale(double f, double l) { xMin = f; xMax = l; determineYMinYMax(); //System.out.println("xMin="+f+" xMax ="+l+"ymin ="+yMin+"yMax ="+yMax); } public double value(double x) { xvar.set_value(x); return expr.value(); } } // end of ZFunction Class