CSULB Beach Balls Juggling Club
Learn to juggle!
Hi! We are Beach Balls, a student run juggling club at California State University, Long Beach. We get together to hang out and teach each other new juggling tricks. As the picture above suggests, we don't update our web page much, so stop surfing and come and join us!
Ok, fine, here are a few links:
- We meet on the grass near building FO3 on the CSULB campus. (Map.) During CSULB's academic year (September through early December, late January through early May), we generally meet Mondays through Thursdays, 12ish through 2ish. But that varies every semester, so please contact us for recent info if you like to join us.
- If you'd like to hear updates about our meetings and other activities, please send e-mail to csulbbeachballs at the domain yahoo.com. You can also call our sponsor at 562-985-5339, but that's a little less reliable than sending e-mail.
- More pictures: Us actually juggling, an older picture of us.
- We had a beach party at Huntington Beach. Check out these pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
- Once again, a Beach Ball was featured on the front page of the Daily Forty-Niner! Check out club president Aidee Castro here.
- We hosted the Nomadic Juggling Festival with the Orange Jugglers. Over 180 jugglers from California, Arizona, and even further afield traveled to Long Beach for three days of juggling, partying, and a public show.
- The Beach Balls have been featured twice on the front page of the Daily Forty-Niner. Check out their pictures here and here.
- The Orange Jugglers are another local juggling club.
- Will Murray is our faculty sponsor.