video of candles burninga way of magic done in six interlinking pieces that creates a bridge of light, sound, rhythm, movement and thought between what was, what is, and what could be....................

Of Vital Light

    an installation piece
    Music by James Sauceda


    (Fr. luminaire) a light, lamp, heavenly body; a body that gives light
    Rik Players:  Wendy Griffin, Barbara Sinclair, Miranda Rondeau
    Candlers:  Women from the Campus Community

Moments of Lucidity

    Visions of women and women of vision cast light through the darkness of history and illuminate human consciousness
    Christine de Pizan: Christina Moorhead
    Sor Juana de la Cruz: Irma Archuleta
    Mary Wollstonecraft: Berit Jordahl
    Sojourner Truth: Jackie Joice


    Myth telling links the themes of consciousness, light, creativity, and women through spoken word and rhythmic sound and vision
    Voice: Wendy Griffin
    Wind Wands: Conference Organizing Committee and Friends

Drumming the Light

    Women frame drummers, playing in much the same manner as they did in Ancient Sumer, accompany dancers, who move around the conference sites exploring the quantum concept of light
    Dancers:  Chitoh Emetarom and Lala Ghahreman
    Drummers: Pat Baird, Cheryl Caddick, Wendy Griffin, Berit Jordahl, Miranda Rondeau

Drumming the World

    Common elements in women's everyday lives, from the ordinary to the oppressive, are transformed into percussion instruments, and thus into instruments of joy, as spoken word and soundings invite women to take the visions generated at the conference back into the world.
    Spoken Word:  Wendy Griffin
    Drummers: Conference Attendees


Last Updated: February 18, 1998
by Professor Wendy Griffin