Other Select Publications by Wendy Griffin


Enchanting Women: Priestessing in America. In Popular Spiritualities: The Politics of Contemporary Enchantment. Lynne Hume and Kathleen McPhillips (editors) Pps. 105-116.


Webs of Women: Feminist Spiritualities in North America.  In Witchcraft and Magic in 20th Century America.  Helen Berger (editor). University of PA Press. Pps. 55-80.

Z Budapest. In the Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. Bron Taylor and Jeffery Kaplan (editors). London: Continuum, Intl.  P. 1800.

Dianic Wicca. In the Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. Bron Taylor and Jeffery Kaplan (editors). London: Continuum, Intl.  Pps. 1742-1743.


The Goddess Net. In Religion Online: Finding Faith on the Internet. Lorne L. Dawson and Douglas E. Cowan (editors(. NY: Routledge. 189-203

The Deosil Dance. In Researching Paganisms: Religious Experiences and Academic Methodologies. Jenny Blain, Doug Ezzy, and Graham Harvey (editors). Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press. 59-67


Goddess Spirituality and Wicca.  In Her Voice, Her Faith: Women Speak on World Religions.  Arvind Sharma and Katherine Young (editors).  Boulder, CO:  Westview Press.  243-282

Goddess Spirituality. In Religion and American Cultures: An Encyclopedia of Traditions, Diversity, and Popular Expressions. Gary Laderman and Luis Leon (editors). Santa Barbara:
ABC-CLIO Publishers. Pages 242-245

Wicca. In Religion and American Cultures: An Encyclopedia of Traditions, Diversity, and Popular Expressions. Gary Laderman and Luis Leon (editors). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Publishers. Pages 253-255

Review of James Spickard, J. Shawn Landres, and Meredith McGuire (editors). Personal Knowledge and Beyond: Reshaping the ethnography of religion. Sociology of Religion,
Vol. 64(4) Winter. 532-534

Review of Jone Salomonsen. 2002. Enchanted Feminism: The Reclaiming Witches of San Francisco. American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 108 (5). March. 129-1131


Review of  Sarah M. Pike, Earthly Bodies, Magical Selves: Contemporary Pagans and the Search for Community.   Journal of Religion, University of Chicago. 499-501

Feminist Spirituality. In the Encyclopedia of  Modern Witchcraft and Neo-Paganism. Shelley T.Rabinovitch and James R. Lewis (editors).  Sacramento: Citadel Press. 97-101

Review of Barbara Walker, Restoring the Goddess:Equal Rights for Modern Women. Sociology of Religion, Vol. 63 (1), Spring. 134-135


Daughters of the Goddess: Studies of Healing, Identity &  Empowerment.  Wendy Griffin (editor) Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press.

Crafting the Boundaries. In Daughters of the Goddess: Studies of Healing, Identity & Empowerment.  (Editor) Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press. 73-88

Spirituality. In Contemporary American Religion.  Wade Clark Roof (editor).New York: Macmillan Reference.

Wicca. In Contemporary American Religion.  Wade Clark Roof (editor). New York: Macmillan Reference.


An American Paean for Diana: An Unlikely Feminist Hero. In The Mourning for Princess Diana. Tony Walter (editor). Oxford: Berg Publishers. 241-252 .


She Changes Everything She Touches: Ethnographic Journeys of Self Discovery. In Composing Ethnographies. Carolyn Ellis and Arthur Bochner (eds.).  Los Angeles: Altamira Press. 301-330. co-authored with  Tanice Foltz


The Embodied Goddess: Feminist Witchcraft and Female Divinity. Sociology of Religion, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 35-49.

Reprinted: 2000 In Sociology of Religion.  Jane Scelta (ed.) Upper Saddle Run, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Reprinted: 2002 In New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology.  Brian Levack (editor).
New York: Routledge.

Reprinted: 2006 In Between the Worlds: Readings in Contemporary Neopaganism. Sian Reid (editor) Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press. Pps. 303-324.


Into the Darkness: An Ethnographic Study of  Witchcraft and Death, Qualitative Sociology. Vol. 13, No. 3, Fall, pp. 211 - 234. co-authored with Tanice Foltz  (Wendy Griffin is listed as Wendy G. Lozano)

Reprinted 1995: In  Deviance: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach.  Nancy J. Herman (editor.).  Dix Hills, NY: General Hall, Inc. pps. 336-353
Reprinted 2001: In Extreme Methods: Innovative Approaches to Social Science Research. Richard Tewksbury  and J. Mitchell Miller (eds.). Needham Heights, MA:  Allyn and Bacon  (Plenum Publishing).
