Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy Wagdy, Professor
- Primary Research Interests
Analog signal processing.
A/D converter dithering, testing, and switched-capacitor techniques.
Previous research included computer-based measurements and active filters.
Published 40 papers in journals and international conferences.
Research papers cited internationally about 80 times in the last 10 years.
Recipient of a journal "Best Paper Award" and many other funding and awards.
Founder and Director, Electronics & Instrumentation Research Laboratory.
Primary Teaching Interests:
Analog electronics courses (graduate and undergraduate).
Previous teaching: digital electronics, microprocessors, signal analysis.
Coordinator of the analog electronics area in the EE Department.
Other Activities:
Industry consulting, book reviewing, teaching of professional courses.
IEEE society activities (Conference Technical Program Chairman, Editorial Review
Committee member, Journal Guest Editor, Los Angeles Chapter Chairman).
EE/College/University Committees, and other on-campus/off-campus Associations.
Preparer of the ABET 2000 Self-Study for the EE Department.
Some Other Interests:
Author of a number of articles in international newspapers.
Enjoys reading, travel, sports, arts, chess.
Office: ECS-522
Phone: (562) 985-5110
e-mail: wagdy@csulb.edu
October 16, 2000