PCR Lesson 29 Study Guide II Page of PCR Lesson 29 Homework 2 Name I. Write or type the following words and phrases in Chinese and Pinyin: go to the airport to see my mother off not willing to do to leave America to be grateful to Prof. Wang to make rapid progress should hard working II. Answer the following questions based on the narrative learned in class (or the text): 1.丁雲願意離開帕蘭卡嗎﹖ 2.他們很快會在那裡見面﹖ 3.帕蘭卡的爸爸在飛機場做什麼﹖ 4.布朗太太讓帕蘭卡注意什麼﹖ 5.帕蘭卡說什麼﹖ 6.媽媽要她到了北京做什麼﹖ 7.帕蘭卡的媽媽很難過嗎﹖ 8.他們明年可以去中國看帕蘭卡嗎﹖他們什麼時候去﹖ 9.他們去北京的時候﹐誰到機場接他們﹖ 10.飛機就要起飛了﹐大家祝他們倆什麼﹖ III. Do Exercise 4 on page 359. Type both questions and answers below: