PCR Lesson 28 Homework 3 Name I. Retell the content of Lesson 28 in your own words (in third person). The following English text may be helpful. Do not translate word by word. There may be several ways to express the same idea. Yesterday Gubo went to the Chinese Embassy to apply for the visa, because he and Palanka will go to China to study Chinese in September. In the afternoon, he went to see the football game. The game was between the students team and the bank team. The students team played very well, but it lost. Gubo thought that the referee was unfair. Gubo is packing the suitcase. He needs one more hat. Palanka wants to buy a pair of skating boots. She thinks that it is possible to skate in Beijing in winter. Gubo said that he would give her a pair of skating boots. Palanka was very grateful to him. She wants to buy a hat for Gubo. They will go the store after eating the breakfast tomorrow. II. Put the following sentences into Chinese: 1. After the class was over, I went home immediately. 2. After he had eaten, he went to bed rightaway. 3. After he had watched TV, he left. (zou le) 4. After the class is over, I will go home immediately. 5. After eating, I will go to bed rightaway. 6. After watching TV, he will leave. 7. After studying Chinese, I will work as an interpreter. III. Put the following sentences into English: 1. 足球賽開始了沒有﹖ 2. 昨天的籃球賽你看了沒有﹖ 3. 他們贏了還是輸了﹖ 4. 你吃晚飯了沒有﹖ 5. 他一下了課就回家了。 6. 他一吃了飯就睡覺。 7. 我明天下了課就去閱覽室看書。 8. 古波學了中文就想去研究中國文學。