PCR Lesson 27 Homework 2 Name I. Type the following phrases and sentences in Chinese embassy to participate in a reception to begin (to start) not able to drink toast to you health toast to our friendship Chinese wine Chinese cuisine do not use chopsticks well yet want to try again very happy to know you two young friends II. Answeri the following questions based on the listening passage. 誰參加了招待會? 電影開始了沒有? 布朗太太會不會喝酒?她喝什麼? 帕蘭卡喝了茅台酒沒有?她喝了什麼酒? 布朗太太說中國菜好吃不好吃? 古波會不會用筷子?用得好不好? 王先生給布朗先生布朗太太介紹誰? 古波和帕蘭卡什麼時候要去中國學習? 他們在哪兒看電影? III. Do Exercise2 and 4 on page 322 IV. Do Exerices 6 on page 323