PCR Lesson 25 Homework 2 Name I. Type the following new words in Chinese late to park revier to prepare coach bread ham cheese mineral water clear fluent dish II. Type the following sentence in Chinese using the V+O+V+DE pattern and O+V+DE pattern He swims very well. He speaks Chinese very fluently. He walks very fast. My mother cooks (food) very well. He writes Chinese characters very beautifully. I write characters very ugly. Xiao Wang sings (songs) very well. My sister dances very well. My friend drives (car) slowly. III. Type the answers to the following comprehension questions about the text: 帕蘭卡他們來得太晚了嗎﹖ 他們在哪兒停車﹖ 誰去游泳﹖誰準備吃的﹖誰去釣魚﹖ 古波請帕蘭卡和丁雲吃飯的時候﹐他們正在作什麼﹖ 丁雲游泳游得怎麼樣﹖ 誰教丁雲游泳﹖ 古波做飯作得好不好﹖ 他們吃什麼﹖ 他們有沒有魚湯﹖為什麼﹖ 他們喝什麼﹖