PCR Lesson 13 Study Guide and Homework (2)


You will learn a new question pattern known as V+bu+V
You must be able to introduce your friend to another person
You must be able to have a small talk when you run into someone.

Study Guide

1. Use CyberChinese or the web site to get familiar with the new words and text of Lesson 13.

2. Study the following patterns

a. Learn how to introduce to each other.

Note: b. When you running into somebody you know, the following conversation is very typical in Chinese culture. Please note that asking where you are going is not rude. Consider this question as a part of social talk. The person is by no means intending to interfere with your personal affairs. Note: c. Read the grammar note 3 on page 101 regarding the position of 'ye' and 'döu' Homework 2 (Send your homework electronically)

1. Voice: Before you read the following sounds, syllables and words, say:

"Nihao, I am ..... This is voice homework for PCR lesson 13 Part II"

a. Say the following in Chinese:

b. Say the following VP1+VP2 pattern in Chinese c. Say the following in Chinese: 2. Writing:

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