PCR Homework 20-3 Name:David Wang 1. Type the reading text on page 197 (Ding Yun's letter to her father). 親愛的爸爸﹕ 您好。 我現在很忙,每天上午都去學院上課.星期一,星期三有語法課,星期二,星期四和星期五有口語課,星期三下午有歷史課.我還常常去閱覽室看畫報和雜誌.今天是星期四,晚上我有空,給你們寫信. 這里的老師和同學都很好.我現在有很多朋友.帕蘭卡是我的新朋友,她今年二十歲,是外語學院的學生.她爸爸教我們歷史,她媽媽是大夫,她們常常問您好.星期日是帕蘭卡的生日,她家有一個舞會,請我們中國同學參加. 媽媽好嗎?姐姐工作忙不忙?問她們好,我很想你們. 祝您 健康. 2. Translate the following questions into Chinese, then answer them in Chinese. 1. What classes does Ding Yun have on Tuesday and Wednesday? 丁雲星期二,星期三有什麼課?丁雲星期二,星期三有口語課,歷史課,和語法課. 2. What is the day of the week when she writes this letter? 她星期幾寫信?她星期四寫信. 3. What do Palanka's parents do? 帕蘭卡的父母做什麼?帕蘭卡的媽媽是大夫,爸爸是老師. 4. Does Ding Yun have any sisters? Where does she (Ding Yun's sister) study? 丁雲有姐妹嗎?她哪里讀書? 丁雲有姐姐. 她不讀書. 3. Translate the following dialogue into Chinese. Are you free on Saturday afternoon? 你星期六有空嗎? What's the matter?者麼了?=====〉有什?事? I want to invite you to go and watch a movie, OK?我要請你去看電影,好嗎? What movie?什麼電影? A new movie. It must be very interesting.新的電影.一定很有意思. Sorry (對不起 dubuq?, I have an appointment (約會 yuhu? on Saturday.)對不起我星期六有約會. When will you be free?你什麼期候有空. I will be free on Sunday night.我星期日有空. That day is my birthday. I am 20 years old now. Can you come and join my dancing party?那天是我的生日.我二十歲.你參加我的舞會好嗎? That's great! Congratulations!很好!祝賀! Do you know my home address?你知道我家的地址嗎? Yes, I do.我知道. I will wait for you at home on Sunday night. Is 6 o'clock OK?我星期日晚上在家等你.六點好嗎? Good. I will see you on Sunday.好,我們星期日見面.