PCR Lesson 16 Homework 1 David Musial 000094183 Prof. T Xie MW 10-11:45am 2/18/2004 10. to give- jie4- 借 =======>gei3 給 6. This is an English (language) journal. a. 這是一本英文雜誌. b. 這本雜誌是英文的. ?Is it proper to say ying1wen2 Yes! 7. This is my sister's map. a. 這是我妹妹的地圖. b. 這地圖是我的妹妹. ?Not sure if this is correct ========>這張地圖是我妹妹的。 III. Write the answers to the following questions. 7. 古波和帕蘭卡膏歡不膏歡中國京劇? 古波和帕蘭卡膏歡中國京劇. ?not sure on a character is it gao1huan1? The character you’ve type is 膏歡 gao1huan1 which is not correct. The correct one is xi3huan1 喜歡