PCR Lesson 19 Study Guide Part III (For self-study in the lab) Name: Kham Chau Objectives Review and grammar highlights Step 1 Use CyberChinese to listen to the text of Lesson 19 again. Review the new words. How to say the following words in Chinese? Type Chinese words and pronunciation: to want 要 yao4 to like 喜歡 xi3huan1 flower tea 花茶 hua1cha2 black tea 紅茶 hong2cha2 orange juice 橘子水 ju2zishui3 beer 啤酒 pi2jiu3 a cup of 一杯茶 yi4bei1cha2 a bottle 一瓶 yi4ping2 classical 古典 gu3dian3 modern 現代 xian4dai4 song 歌兒 ger1 folk song 民歌 min2ge1 music 音樂 yin1yue4 to sing 唱 chang4 to listen 聽 ting1 Step 2 Type the following setences in Chinese: What do you want? 您要什麼? Do you want black tea or green tea? 您要紅茶還是要綠茶? Do you want tea or coffee? 您要茶還是咖啡? Do you want coffee? 你要咖啡嗎? I want a cup of orange juice. 我要一杯橘子水. I want a bottle of beer. 我要一瓶啤酒. I want a cup of coffee. 我要一杯咖啡. I don't want anything. 我不要.=====>我不要什麼。 I like music. 我喜歡音樂. I like to listen to music. 我喜歡聽音樂. Do you like music? 您喜歡音樂嗎? Do you like modern music? 您喜歡現代音樂嗎? Do you like classical music or modern music? 您喜歡古典音樂還是現代音樂? I like Chinese music. 我喜歡中國音樂. Do you like American music? 您喜歡美國音樂嗎? Who do you like? 您喜歡誰? Do you like to sing songs? 您喜歡唱歌嗎? No, I don' t like to sing songs. 不, 我不喜歡唱歌. I am not able to sing songs. (using 不會 bhu, not able) 我不會唱歌. Step 3 Retell Lesson 19 in third person. The following English text is the guideline. You may type the Chinese text based on the given English text. Do not translate word by word. Gubo, Palanka and Ding Yun are in a cafe. Palanka wants a cup of coffee. Ding Yun want flower tea, but the cafe does not have flower tea. They only have black tea. Ding Yun ordered (要了 yole) a cup of orange juice. Gubo ordered a bottle of beer. They are listening to music in cafe. Ding Yun said that she liked American classical music. Palanka said that she liked to listen to Chinese music. She asked Ding Yun to introduce some Chinese music to her. Gubo said that Palanka liked to sing songs. But Palaka didn't sing. She asked Ding Yun to teach her Chinese songs. Ding Yun said: 'Good.' 古波,帕蘭卡,和丁雲在咖啡館. 帕蘭卡要一杯咖啡. 服務員問丁雲要什麼? 古波說中國人喜歡喝茶. 丁雲要花茶. 服務員說沒有花茶, 有紅茶. 丁雲不要, 她要了一杯橘子水. 古波要了一瓶啤酒. 他們在咖啡館聽音樂. 丁雲說她喜歡美國音樂. 帕蘭卡說她喜歡中國古典音樂. 她問丁雲給她介紹一下兒中國音樂. 古波說丁雲喜歡唱音樂, 她不會唱. 帕蘭卡問丁雲教她中國音樂. 丁雲說很好. Step 4 Grammar Review 1. Alternative questions Do exercise 2 on page 188 to review alternative questions. Type the answers here. 1. 這雜誌是圖書館的還是閱覽室的? 這雜誌是圖書館的. 2. 這本書是英文的還是法文的? 這本書是英文的. 3. 這件襯衫是新的還是舊的? 這件襯衫是新的. 4. 這條裙子是紅的還是綠的? 這條裙子是紅的. 1. 你上午六點一刻起床還是六點半起床? 我上六點午半起床. 2. 你上午八點上課還是八點二十分上課? 我上午八點二十分上課. 3. 你下午去看朋友還是晚上去看朋友? 我晚上去看朋友. 4. 你十點半睡覺還是十一點睡覺? 我十一點睡覺. 5. 你現在給他寫信還是以後給他寫信? 我現在給他寫信. 1. 他現在教漢語還是教外語? 他現在教漢語. 2. 他以後學習英語還是學習法語? 他以後學習法語. 3. 他下課以後休息還是復習課文? 他下課以後休息. 4. 他每天晚上在宿舍還是在學院? 他每天晚上在宿舍. 2. So-called pivotal sentence. For details, read the textbook, page 186-187. Translate the sentences in Exercise 4 on page 189 into English to review pivotal sentence. Type them here: 1. Pro. Wang led them write in Chinese characters. 2. Palanka invites Ding Yun to teach her Chinese. 3. We ask friends from Bejing to buy two gramma textbooks. 4. Gubo invite me to go to see movie. 5. My friends invite me to his house to eat dinner. Step 5 Save your typed work. Send it as an attachment to csulbchn102@hotvoice.com Step 6 Do your homework 3 (at home) Send the homework End of PCR Lesson 19 Study Guide Part III