PCR Lesson 15 Homework 2 Name MAKI, Kazusa I. Use the character sheet to practice writing characters in this lesson I will tern in the character sheet on Monday. II. Put the following words and sentences into Chinese. (Write or type in Hanzi) 1. (I) don't reserve it 不敢當 2. new 新 3. mutually, each other 互相 4. a measure word for book 本 5. library 圖書館 6. journal 雜誌 7. Chinese newspaper 中文報 8. seven dictionaries 七個詞典 9. have one more teacher 還有一個老師 10. library 圖書館 11. He has a Chinese friend. He also has two Japanese friends. 他有一個中國朋友,還有二個日本朋友. 12. My teacher speaks English. He also speaks Russian (俄語 E2yu3) 我的老師說美語,還說俄語. 13. How many people are ther in China? ( 多少人在中國? 那兒是多少中國人?) ==> 中國有多少人﹖ 14. How many Chinese dictionaries do you have? I have only one. 你有幾本中文詞典? 我有一本詞典. 15. We have a new Chinese teacher. 我們有(新個中國)老師.==> 一個新的中文 16. Our library has many new Chinese books. 我們的圖(叔)館有很多新(本)中文書. ==> 我們圖書館有很多新的中文書。 17. We often study and read books in the new reading room. 我們常常在閱覽室學習,也看書. III. Rearrange the following words to make a grammatical sentnece. (If you use a word processor, just use the cut and paste functions) 1. 中文系有九十九個學生 2. 我們系有十個老師 3. 我們互相學習 4. 丁老師教我們口語 5. 誰教你們語法 6. 閱覽室沒有法文雜誌 7. 我學習中文 我也學習法文 8. 你有幾個外國朋友 9. 我和他常在閱覽室看他畫報 IV. Answer the following questions in Chinese based on the text of Lesson 15. (Write or type in Hanzi) 1. 中文系有多少學生? 中文系有九十八學生 2. 中文系有幾個中國老師? 中文系有三個中國老師 3. 王老師教什麼? 王老師教語法(合)漢字 ==> 和 4. 丁雲教什麼? 丁雲教口語 5. 誰教古波帕蘭卡英語? 丁雲教古波帕蘭卡英語 6. 古波和帕蘭卡常在閱覽室看什麼? 古波和帕蘭卡常在閱覽室看畫報和雜誌 7. 閱覽室有中文雜誌嗎? 有,閱覽室有中文雜誌 8. 閱覽室有沒有中文報和漢語詞典? 有,閱覽室有中文報和漢語詞典 9. 閱覽室有幾本漢語詞典? 閱覽室有七本漢語詞典 10. 圖書館在哪兒? 圖書館在那兒