PCR Lesson 11 Online Exercises 1. Which is the correct Pinyin for 還﹖ 1. hun 2. hun 3. hi 4. hi 2. Which is the correct Pinyin for 報﹖ 1. bo 2. bo 3. bo 4. bo 3. Which is the correct Pinyin for 用﹖ 1. yng 2. yng 3. yng 4. yng 4. Which is the correct Pinyin for 號﹖ 1. ho 2. ho 3. ha 4. ho 5. What is the correct Pinyin for 詞典﹖ 1. cdin 2. cdin 3. cdin 4. cdin 6. What is the correct Pinyin for 漢語﹖ 1. hny 2. hny 3. Hny 4. hny 7. Which is the correct Pinyin for 認識﹖ 1. rnsh 2. rnsh 3. rnshi 4. rnsh 8. What is the correct answer to: 請問﹐這是你的畫報嗎﹖ 1. 不是﹐那是他的畫報。 2. 不是﹐那是他的詞典。 3. 是的﹐這是我的詞典。 4. 是的﹐這是我媽媽的畫報。 9. What is the correct response to: 你現在用嗎﹖ 1. 我現在不喝。 2. 我現在不是。 3. 我現在不用。 4. 我現在不還。 10. Which is the crrect interpretation for: 漢語詞典 1. English-Chinese dictionary 2. English dictionary 3. Chinese-English dictionary 4. Chinese dictionary 11. Which is the correct interpretation for: 還你畫報 1. borrow the pictorial from you 2. return the pictorial to you 3. return the dictionary to you 4. borrow the dictionary to you 12. If somebody says: 我用一下兒 to you. What does he mean? 1. The speaker asks you to use it. 2. The speaker is telling you that he is using it. 3. The speaker is asking for a permission to use it 4. None of the above 13. Fill in blanks with a proper word. 那是 Zhnggu ___ ___ (pictorial)嗎﹖ 1. 畫報 2. 書報 3. 報 (bo) 4. 詞典 14. Fill in blanks with a proper word. 我現在不用詞典。您請 ___ 1. 在 2. 喝 3. 住 4. 用 15. Fill in blanks with a proper word. 那是 ___ ___ 詞典。 1. 畫報 2. Zhnggu 3. 漢語 4. 我們 16. Fill in blanks with a proper word. 還你畫報﹐___ ___。 1. 請坐 2. 再見 3. 謝謝 4. 喝茶 17. Which of the following is in a correct order? 1. 我一下兒用。 2. 一下兒我用。 3. 用我一下兒。 4. 我用一下兒。 18. Which character is 'seven'? 1. 七 2. 八 3. 六 4. 五 19. Which character is 'four'? 1. 三 2. 五 3. 九 4. 四 20. What would you say if somebody thanks you? 1. 你好 2. 謝謝 3. 不客氣 4. 再見