Learn to Read and Write: Unit 15 1. Listen to the recording of the following passages and try to find out the pronuncation of the characters or words. (Online Unit 15-1, 2) 我是美國人。現在在學中文﹐因為中文很有用。我想到中國去。 我打算在中國呆一年。在那裡學中文。到各地去旅游﹐看看長城。我現在會說一 點兒中文。可是很多話還聽不懂﹐說得還不流利。我要繼續學中文。 有用 _______________ 呆 _______________ 旅游_______________ 長城 _______________ 聽不懂 _______________ 流利 _______________ 繼續 _______________ 因為 _______________ 打算 _______________ John 是美國賓州一家公司的經理。他跟中國作生意。中國常常有人來美國談生 意。 John 現在會說一點兒中文。他可以跟中國來的朋友說中文。簡單的話﹐他都聽 得懂。難一點兒的話﹐他就聽不懂。所以他打算明年到中國去繼續學中文。 州 _______________ 公司 _______________ 經理 _______________ 作生意 _______________ 談生意 _______________ 簡單 _______________ 繼續 _______________ 2. This part is ommitted. 3. Write the following words in characters: useful ___________________ to stay for one year ___________________ to travel ___________________ to plan ___________________ listen (but) do not understand ___________________ fluently ___________________ a company ___________________ a manager ___________________ discuss business ___________________ to do business ___________________ to do business with China ___________________ to see the Great Wall ___________________ 4. Write the following sentences in characters: He is a manager of a company. ______________________________________________ We do business with China. _________________________________________________ I plan to go to Beijing and stay there for two years. ________________________________________________________________________ Chinese (language) is very useful. ____________________________________________ He speaks Chinese fluently. _________________________________________________ He still doesn't understand Chinese. __________________________________________ I can talk in Chinese with Chinese friends who came from China. ________________________________________________________________________ John plans to go to China next year and study Chinese there for one year. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Answer the folloing questions in pinyin. 你的中國話說得越來越(yue4lai2yue4)好了。 你學了多長時間了﹖ 你打算以後繼續(ji4xu4)學嗎﹖ 你打算到哪裡去﹖ 你在北京有朋友嗎﹖ 你的朋友在北京是作什麼的﹖ 你經常到中國去嗎﹖ 去看朋友還是談生意﹖ 你打算在北京呆多久﹖ 什麼時候走﹖ 祝(zhu4)你一路平安。