I: Listen and Learn 5
Click on
the speaker icon of the following sentences and listen to the recording. The Chinese characters are in big5
Zhè shì shéi?
[Who is this? 這是誰﹖]
Zhè shì Xiè
lǎoshī de érzi. [This is Prof. Xie's son. 這是謝老師的兒子。]
Tā zài nálǐ
gōngzuò. [Where does he work? 他在哪裡工作﹖]
Tā zài Ohio gōngzuò. [He works in Ohio. 他在 Ohio 工作。]
- 'de' is a possessive marker. 'Xiè lǎoshī de érzi' means 'Prof. Xie's
son'. When the relationship is very
close, the word 'de' is optional. For example, 'wǒ bàba, wǒ māma, tā
péngyou' and etc.
- Pay particular attention to the position of a location
word in a sentence. In Chinese location words usually
occur before the verb. Please compare the following
Chinese and English counterparts:
- He works in Shanghai.
- Tā zài Shànghǎi gōngzuò.
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