Vocabulary List

   Pinyin       Zi       English       Lesson    Stroke Count
an1 how (interrogative adverb) 8 6
ba4 as in 霸業 the achievement of a powerful head of feudal lords 15 21
bai2 white 2 5
bai3 hundred, many things 14, 18 5
bai3 shou4 百獸 animals (in general) 14 5
bai4 ji4 敗績 be utterly defeated 20 11, 17
ban4 half 17 5
bang4 clam 12 10
bao3 save from injury 10 9
bei3 as in 北方 the Kingdoms in the North of China; also in as in 南轅北轍 lit. while the carriage shafts point to the south, the tracks of the carriage lead to the north -- act in a way that defeats one's purpose 14, 15 5
bei3 mian4 北面 to head north 15 5, 9
bei4 time 7 10
bei4 to formulate a course of action 6 12
ben3 originally 19 5
ben4 a basket 19 10
bi3 the other side, party 20 8
bi4 consecutive 7 5
bi4 weary; exhausted; same as 敝 12 15
bi4 the thighbone 10 18
bi4 li4 畢力 do all one can 19 10, 2
bian4 辯(辨) to distinguish; 不辨牛馬 to be impossible to distinguis a horse from a cow 18 21, (16)
bing1 army, military force 14, 15 7
bing1 ice 18 6
bing4 weary 5 10
bing4 together 12 8
bo1 wave 13 8
bo1zhen2 波臣 aquatic animals; denizens of water 13 8, 6
bo2 a Chinese given name, as in 李白 Li3 Bo2; also see bai2 1 5
bo2 hai3 zhi1 wei3 渤海之尾 the shore of the Bohai (sea) 19 12, 10, 3, 7
bo2 le4 伯樂 a famous horse-trainer and rider 7 7, 15
bo2 yi2 伯夷 person name 18 7, 6
bo3 lame 10 12
bu2 qu4 不去 didn't whisk off (Note: 不 is read as bu2, not bu4) 15 4, 5
bu4 ru2 不如 not as good as 17 4, 6
bu4 yi4 ke3 hu1 不亦可乎 isn't it alright? 20 3, 5, 5, 5
can2 remained 19 12
cao1 she2 zhi1 shen2 操蛇之神 mountain god 19
ce4 to plumb, measure; 深不可測 too deep to be fathomed 10 12
ceng2 somewhat to one's surprise; in a way thought to be rather unlikely 9 12
ceng2 still, not yet 19 12
ceng2 bu4 neng2 曾不能 even… cannot 19
chan2 untidy 20 19
chang2 as in常可, common practice; convention 6 11
chang2 as in常與, constant supply; proper environment 13 11
chang2 often = 常 18 16
chang2 long, long time, forever 18 8
chang2 xi1 長息 heave a deep sigh 19 8, 10
che1 carriage 13 7
che4 through 19 15
chen2 a term for 'I' used by officials when addressing the king or emperor or superior 7, 12 7
chen2 dust 15 14
chen4 to grow permanent teeth (about seven or eight years old) 19 17
cheng2 accomplish, succeed, to complete 1, 8 6
cheng2 lie4 成列 to form a battle array 20 6, 6
cheng2 suffer from (a disadvantage) 19 18
cheng2 a city 19 9
cheng2 sincerity 19 13
chi2 to hold, grasp 8, 15 9
chi4 red 2 7
chong1 to fulfill, satisfy 11 6
chong2 inset 18 18
chong2 second time 20 9
chong2 shang1 重傷 to hurt an injured second time 20 9, 13
chu1 come out (of water); 'talk too much' in Lesson17 12, 17 5
chu3 (an iron) pestle 1 8
chu3 the state of Chu (It is current Province of Hunan, Hubei, Zhejiang and southern part of Henan) 3 13
chu4 to knock against 6 21
chu4 take shelter 13 11
chuan1 big rivers 18 3
chui1 to cook with 9 8
ci2 to take leave, to say good-bye 9 19
ci2 to offer sacrifice 8 9
ci3 this 3 6
ci3 shu4 zhe3 此數者 these several things, referring to good horse, lots of money for travelling and good driver 15 6, 15, 8
ci4 to gran, favor, give to confer upon an inferior 8 15
cong2 from 3 11
cun2 to remain, to survive 19 6
cuo4 to put = 措 19 10
da2 to reach 19 12
da4 as in 大眾, people 12 3
da4 chen2 大臣 ranking officials 17 3, 7
da4 hang2 大行 wide road = 大路 15 3, 6
da4 fang1 zhi1 jia1 大方之家 a person who is able to see the large issues 18 3, 4, 3, 10
dai4 to wait for 6 9
dai4 dangerous 18 9
dai4 as in 蘇代, a schemer in Warring States 12 5
dai4 to borrow 13 12
dai4 jia3 帶甲 armored solders 14 19, 5
dan4 morning 7 5
dang1 present, as in 當世,the present age 6 13
dao4 on the way 1 12
dao4 principles, way = 道理 18 12
de2 to get; obtain; gain 6, 11 11
de2 to be able to 12 11
di2 enemy 20 15
di4 as in 炎帝 yándì, Emperor Yan, a legendary king 2 8
di4 as in 天帝 the Supreme (in heaven) 9, 19 9
di4 ground 8 6
di4 younger brother 16 7
diao4 to sondole with 10 4
ding1 adult male, 丁壯 able-bodied men 10 2
dong1 East 2 8
dong1 mian4 東面 face East 18 8, 9
dong1 winter 20 5
dong4 move 15 11
dou3 a measure of volume: one gallon; 斗升之水 a dipperful of water 13 4
du2 to read 1 22
du2 alone 10 16
du3 to see 18 13
du3 to be bound to 18 15
duan1 end 18 14
dui4 to answer 9, 13, 14, 17 14
dun4 or 楯, shield 4 9
duo1 many, a great amount 2, 15 6
duo2 to snatch 8 14
duo4 to fall 10 14
e2 as in 俄而 soon; before long 11 9
er2 used to connect a noun phrase to a verbal phrase 4 6
er2 therefore 5 6
er2 used to connect two verbal phrases. The first VP is used as an adverbial. 5 6
er2 but; then; in order to 3, 6 6
er3 a particle, = 啊、了 15 6
er4 mao2 二毛 gray-haired old man 20 2, 4
fa1 as in 發鳩, name of a mountain in Shangxi Province 2 12
fa2 strike; attack 12 6
fa3 to follow the example of 6 8
fan3 to return 2 7
fan3 (to rush) back = 返 15 4
fang1 just 12, 15 4
fang1 as in 方圓 circumference 14, 19 4
fei1 as in 非徒 not only 5 8
fei1 not (be) 10 8
fei4 to bark at 16 7
fen4 忿 忿然 angrily 13 8
feng2 run into, come across 1 10
fu1 an introductory particle (often for a general statement) 4 4
fu1 adult male 19 4
fu2 to prostrate, subside 11 6
fu2 to obey 20 8
fu2 not 4 5
fu2 blessing, luck 10 13
fu4 again 6 12
fu4 term of respect for old man 12 4
fu4 to carry on the back 19 9
fu4 rich, wealthy 10 12
fu4 crucian carp 13 16
gan3 be moved, touched 1 13
gan3 qi2 cheng2 感其誠 be moved by their sincerity 19
gan3 to dare 14 11
gao1 high, as high as 19 10
gao3 withered 5 14
gao4 to tell 15, 19 7
geng1 plough; till 6 10
gong1 old man 11 4
gou3 dog 16 8
gu3 the ways of the ancients 6 5
gu3 古人 a person of virtue and talent 9 5, 2
gu3 thigh and hip 20 8
gu3 to beat a drum to advance on (the enemy) 20 13
gu4 to look back 7, 13 21
gu4 assuredly 8 8
gu4 stubborn; firmly 19, 20 8
gu4 bu4 ke3 che4 固不可徹 stubborn to the extent of being unresonable 19
gu4 reason 1 9
gu4 therefore 2, 13 9
gua3 few 5 14
gua3 寡人 the royal term for 'I' 9 14, 2
guai4 to feel strange 16 8
guan1 official 20 8
guan1 to observe 14 25
guan3 zhong4 管仲 pearon name, minister of the state of Qi 17 14, 6
guan4 to pour into 18 21
guang3 vast (in territory) 15 15
gui1 to return; go back to 5 18
gui3 ghost, devil 9 10
gui4 cassia tree 9 10
gui4 expensive 9 12
guo2 country 6, 9, 15, 20
guo3 cheng2 果誠 if indeed 14 8, 12
guo4 to pass, to go across 12 12
hai3 sea, ocean 2, 13. 18, 19 10
hai4 to injure 5 10
han2 dan1 邯鄲 capital of the state of Zhao 15 7, 14
han2 winter, cold weather 19 12
han4 yin1 漢陰 south of Han river 19 14, 10
hao4 to be fond of 10 6
he2 how…? what; why 10, 13 7
he2 ku3 何苦 why bother, why not 19 7, 9
he2 you3 何有 what to have? 20 7, 6
he2 ru2 何如 how about? 4, 14 7, 6
he2 to close, shut 12 6
he2 Yellow River 18 8
he2 bo2 河伯 the god of the Yellow River 18 8, 7
he2 qu1 河曲 bend of a river 19 8, 6
he2 yang2 河陽 place name, north of the Yellow River 19 8, 11
he2 dry up 13 11
he4 to congratulate 10 12
he4 dan4 荷擔 carry two baskets on a shoulder pole 19 11, 16
hei1 black 16 12
hong2 a river name 20 8
hou2 country magistrate (in ancient time) 13 9
hou4 zhi4 後至 be late, come late 17 9, 6
hu1 an interrogative particle; = 嗎 3, 11, 14 5
hu1 a prep. =於, by… 9 5
hu1 to call 13 7
hu2 a general name of the Northern tribes in ancient China 10 9
hu2 gou3 胡耇 very old man 20 9, 9
hu2 a fox 14 8
hu3 a tiger 14 8
hua4 to draw 8 12
hua4 change, 化不可極 changing to the extent that it is impossible to reach the limit 10 4
huan2 to go around 7 16
hui3 to damage, to destroy 19 13
hui4 as in 白喙,bird’s bill, beak 2, 12 12
hui4 smart and wise = 慧 19 12
hui4 wang2 惠王 King of Zhao (reigned 298-266 B.C.) 12 12
huo2 活我 make me live, can staty alive 13 9
huo4 to be deluded 3 12
huo4 someone 4 8
huo4 capture 20 17
huo4 misfortune 10 13
ji1 to attack 20 17
ji1 ben3 箕畚 basket 19 14, 10
ji1 to make water flow backwards 13 16
ji2 to get to the extreme 10 12
ji2 take advantage of 20 3
ji2 then 12 7
ji3 si4 己巳 a certain day in lunar calendar based on the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches 20 3, 3
ji4 liang2 季梁 person name of the state Wei 15 8, 11
ji4 to cross the river 20 17
ji4 to hope 6 16
ji4 zhou1 冀州 one of nine states in ancient times, current Hebei, Shangxi, Shaangxi, Henan area 19 16, 6
ji4 consider; consideration 12, 17 9
ji4 already; completely 20 9
jia1 in 家口 members of family; family living expenses (in this lesson) 11 10
jia1 to add, to increase 19 5
jia3 to borrow, make use of 14 11
jia4 price = 價 7 13
jia3 bing1 甲兵 armed forces 14 5, 7
jia4 price 7 15
jia4 horse-drawn carriage 15 14
jian1 firm; strong 4 11
jian1 閒(間) position word, place 18 12, (12)
jian1 wipe out 20 21
jian4 to see 7, 9, 14, 18 7
jian4 grant an interview to 9 7
jian4 xiao4 見笑 to be laughed at 18 7, 10
jian4 double-edged sword 3 15
jian4 監河 a place name 12 14
jian4 advise (somebody) not to 20 16
jiang1 a river 3 6
jiang1 yi3 江乙 a person name 14 6, 1
jiang1 to bring, lead 10 11
jiang1 a conjunction, = 而、卻、可是 (but) 15 11
jiao1 creasy (衣服上的皺紋) 15 12
jiao1 lovely and charming 19 15
jiao4 to call 2 13
jiao4 to teach, learning 18, 20 11
jie1 all, each and every 6, 10 9
jie2 season 19 13
jie3 to understand 11 13
jie3 to remove 16 13
jin1 now; when... 6, 12, 14 4
jin1 gu3 金鼓 gongs and drums 20 8, 13
jin4 close to 10 7
jin4 all = 都 18 14
jing1 as in 精衛, name of a legendary bird 2 14
jing1 rui4 精銳 crack (troops) 15 14, 14
jing1 荊宣王=楚宣王 rigned 369-340 B.C. 14 10
jing1 capital 19 8
jing1 cheng2 shi4 京城氏 a person whose last name is Jingcheng 19 8, 9, 4
jing1 liu2 涇流 the racing current 18 10, 10
jing3 neck 6 16
jing3 a well 18 4
jiu1 as in 發鳩, name of a mountain in Shangxi (山西)Province 2 12
jiu3 for a long time 12, 20 3
jiu3 nine 10, 19 2
jiu3 wine 8, 17 10
jiu4 to save, rescue 20 11
jiu4 lay the blame on 20 8
jiu4 undertake; go 9, 17 12
ju1 used before the time word indicating the passed time. 居一年:過了一年 after one year 10 8
ju1 to be limited (by) 18 8
ju1 monkey 11 8
ju3 to mobilize, 大擧 carry out (a military operation) on a large scale 10 16
ju3 act, 一舉一動 every act and every move 15 16
ju3 to raise up 17 16
ju4 hurriedly, immediately 3 16
ju4 as in 何遽 how, afterall 10 16
ju4 to call together 19 14
ju4 to prepare 17 7
ju4 to fear 19, 20 21
jun1 military force 20 9
jun1 you (honorific) 19 7
jun4 駿 a good fast horse as in 駿馬 7 17
ke3 as in常可, common practice; convention 6 5
ke3 justifiable; passable, = 可以 17 5
ke4 to carve 3 8
ken3 willing, to be willing to 9, 12 8
ken3 to dig, excavate 19 16
kong3 to fear 11 10
kou3 as in 家口 members of family; family living expenses (in this lesson) 11 3
kou4 to knock 19 5
kou4 shi2 ken3 rang3 叩石墾壤 to dig and excavate 19
ku1 dry 13 9
kua1 e2 zhi4 er4 zi3 夸娥氏二子 two legendary gods of unusual strength 19 6, 10, 4, 2, 3
kuang2 to deceive, hoodwink 11 14
kui2 fu4 魁父 mountain name 19 14, 4
kui4 be insufficient 11 14
lai2 addressing particle follows a greeting or form a address 13 8
lao3 old 1 6
le4 as in 伯樂, a famous horse-trainer and rider 7 7
lei3 a plough 6 6
lei4 type, as in 之類, be of a kind; of this kind 6 19
li3 a Chinese surname, as in 李白 Li3 Bo2 1 7
li3 a Chinese mile, =1.3 mile 9 7
li3 etiquette 17 17
li4 sharp 4 7
li4 advantageous 20 7
li4 to stand; to exist 4 5
li4 strength, energy 19 2
liang2 good 10, 15 7
liang3 two 12 8
lie4 line, array 20 6
lin2 to approach; to come to 9 17
lin2 neighboring 19 14
ling4 to make, cause 9 5
liu2 to stay 9 10
liu2 (river) current 18 10
long3 duan4 隴斷 mountains 19 19, 18
lu4 road, way 15 13
lun4 to examine 6 15
ma3 horse 7 10
mai4 to sell 7 15
mang2 as in芒芒, looking exhausted 5 7
mao2 spear 4 5
mei3 beauty 18 9
men2 guan1 門官 imperial guards 禁衛軍 20 8, 8
mian4 to face 19 9
mian4 mu4 面目 appearance, look of the face 18 9, 5
miao2 sprouts; shoots of crops 5 9
min2 people 6 5
min3 feel concern for; worry 5 12
ming2 the cry of birds 2 15
ming2 chi3 jiao1 zhan4 明恥教戰 to teach people was of war to defend national honor 20 8, 10, 11, 16
ming2 name 2, 15 6
ming4 order 9, 14, 19 8
mo4 none; nothing 4, 14 11
mo4 to grind 1 16
mou2 do discuss, talk over 19 16
mu4 evening 11 15
mu4 tree, wood 2 4
nai3 however; therefore 8, 12 2
nai3 until, still 9 2
nan2 south, as in 南轅北轍 lit. while the carriage shafts point to the south, the tracks of the carriage lead to the north -- act in a way that defeats one's purpose 15 9
nan2 male 19 7
nan4 difficult 9 19
neng2 to be able, can 4, 8, 10, 11, 16, 19 10
ni4 drown 2 13
ni4 to go against 14 9
nian2 year, age 10, 19 6
niao3 bird 2 11
niu2 cow, ox 18 4
nu4 angry 11, 16 9
nuo4 answer of assent in response to a request 13 16
nv3 daughter 2 3
pin2 poor 13 11
ping2 level the ground, remove the two mountains 19 5
pu1 to hit 16 15
pu4 to bask in the sun 12 19
qi1 to expect; to seek 6 12
qi1 to set a time 17 12
qi1 seven 19 2
qi2 huan2 gong1 齊桓公 Duke Huan of Qi (685-643 B.C.) 17 15, 10, 4
qi2 to ride 10 17
qi2 a pronoun, his, her, its 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 8
qi3 how 16 10
qi3 stand up 11 10
qi4 to give up, to abandon 1, 20 11
qi4 to spill 17 11
qi4 to make a notch 3 9
qi4 wife 19 8
qi4 raise the morale (of the troops) 20 10
qian1 thousand 9, 14 3
qian2 to clamp 12 8
qiang2 powerful 12 12
qie3 to be about to; to be going to 8, 12 5
qie3 close to 19 5
qie3 conj. = 再説 what's more 19 5
qie3 fu1 且夫 conj. = 而且、況且 18 5, 4
qin2 as in 蘇秦, a strategist in the Age of Warring States 9 10
qin2 to catch 12 15
qin2 caputre; seize 擒 20 13
qing1 light; to feel that … is too light 18 14
qing2 strong and powerful 20 10
qing3 please (honorific adverb) 8 15
qiong2 to exhaust, as in 難窮 unfathomable vastness 18 15
qiong2 窮匱 limit, end 19 15, 14
qiu1 small mound 19 5
qiu1 autumn, fall season 18 9
qiu2 to seek 3 7
qu1 to hasten to 5 15
qu1 shi4 曲士 cramped scholar 鄉曲讀書人 18 6, 3
qu3 to capture 20 8
qu4 to leave 1,7 5
qun2 group, horde; 成群 up to a horde 11 13
ran2 a suffix 5 12
ran2 to be right 14 12
rang3 soil 19 20
ren2 a person 3 2
ren4 an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight 尺 (尺=1/3 meter) 19 5
ri4 day 5 4
ri4 zhong1 日中 noon 17 4, 4
rou4 meat, flesh 12 6
ru2 like 2 6
ru2 as in 何如, how about…? 4 6
ru2…he2… 如...何 how to deal with… 19 6, 7
ru3 you, your, you (pl.) 16, 19 6
ru4 to enter 3, 10, 17 2
rui4 as in 精銳 crack (troops) 15 15
ruo4 like; as in 若此 like this, in such a manner 3 9
ruo4 you 11 9
ruo4 name of the god of the sea 18 9
ruo4 prep. can compare with 18 9
ruo4 weak 19 10
sai4 border, frontier 10 13
san1 three 7, 19 3
san1 jun1 三軍 military force, the ancient army was divided into upper, mid and lower divisions 20 3, 9
se4 block, obstruct 19 13
sha1 to kill, to destroy 20 10
shan1 mountain 19 3
shan4 to be good at, good 10, 12, 15 12
shang1 to wound, to hurt 20
shang1 Shang dynasty 20 11
shang1 wine cup 17 18
shang4 top, position word 2, 10 3
shao3 to feel that … too little; Lesson 18: 少仲尼之聞 to feel that Confucius is not that knowledgeable 18 4
shao4 young 1 4
she2 snake 19 11
she2 tongue 17 6
she3 捨; to give up; leave alone 5, 12 8
she4 ren2 舍人 retainers 8 8, 2
she4 to ford, cross 3 10
she4 remit (a punishment) 20 11
shen1 himself 6 7
shen1 neat; smooth 15 5
shen1 deep, 深不可測 too deep to be fathomed 10 11
shen2 god 19 9
shen4 too extreme 19 9
sheng1 impetus 聲威 20 17
sheng1 as in 先生, master (honorific) 9 5
sheng1 a measure of volume: one pint 13 4
sheng4 as in 聖人,sage; wise man 6 13
sheng4 loud and widespread 20 11
shi1 military force, army 20 10
shi1 to lose; to make mistakes 10, 17 5
shi2 stone, rock 19 5
shi2 seasonal 18 10
shi2 ten 20 2
shi2 food 11 9
shi2 actually, truly 14 14
shi3 使 if 16 8
shi3 to begin 19 8
shi4 to abandon; to put down 6 20
shi4 pron. this 2, 3, 14, 16 9
shi4 pron. this situation 18 9
shi4 generation; existence; society 4, 6 5
shi4 person, scholar 18 3
shi4 affairs 6 8
shi4 a person 19 4
shi4 market 7 5
shi4 rely on, depend on 15 9
shi4 all family 19 9
shi4 to look at 7, 13, 18 11
shi4 to put, to place 19 12
shou3 as in 文首, head 2 9
shou3 to watch 6 6
shou3 hand 8 4
shou4 animal 14 19
shu1 a book 1 10
shu2 carefully 12 15
shu3 summer 19 12
shu4 art of prognostication 10 11
shu4 to be shackled by 18 7
shu4 several 8 15
shuai4 to lead 19 11
shuang1 qi1 孀妻 widow 19 20, 8
shui3 water 3 4
shun4 follow 18 12
shuo1 explanation 9 14
shuo4 屢次 lü3ci4, 頻繁 pin2fan2, repeatedly; frequently 15 15
shuo4 the first day of the month according to the lunar calendar 20 10
shuo4 dong1 朔東 the eastern part of Shanxi, 朔方東部 19 10, 8
da4 si1 ma3 大司馬 grand minister of war 19 3, 5, 10
si3 to die 6 6
si4 a shop 13 13
si4 river bank 18 10
si4 four 11 5
song4 a state during the Spring and Autumn period (770-476 B.B.), located in present day Henan Province 5, 6 7
song4 gong1 宋公 宋襄公 Duke Xiang of of Song 20 7, 4
sou3 old man 19 9
su1 as in 蘇秦, a strategist in the Age of Warring States 9 20
su1 as in 蘇代, a schemer in the Age of Warring States 12 20
su4 white 16 10
su4 millet 13 12
sui1 although 15, 19, 20 17
sui2 to follow 14 14
sui4 then, thereupon 1, 8, 14, 19 12
sun1 grandchild 19 10
sun3 to decrease, deprive; to level 11, 19 13
suo3 a structural pron. (see textbook page 27-28) 3 8
suo3 to look for 13 10
tai4 hang2 太行 mountain name, between Shangxi and Hebei 19 4, 6
tan2 to talk 9 15
tan4 heave a sigh 18 15
tian1 heaven 5, 19 4
tian1di4 天帝 the Supreme (in heaven) 9, 14 4, 9
tian1 xia4 天下 as in 天下 the whole China in ancient time 5, 15, 18
tian1 to add 8 11
tian2 to fill up 2 13
tian2 field 6 5
tiao4 jump, hurry to 19 13
tong1 to get through 19 10
tong2 at the same time 4 6
tou2 put, throw 19 7
tou2 chen2 頭塵 dust, dirt on head 15 14, 16
tu2 as in 非徒 not only 5 8
tu4 hare 6 8
wa1 as in 女娃 nǚwā, name of Emperor Yan’s daughter 2 9
wa1 frog 18 12
wan4 ten thousand 19 13
wang2 king, as in 先王 ancient kings 6 4
wang2 the way to rule over the empire 15 4
wang2 wu1 王屋 mountain name, in Shangxi 19 4, 9
wang2 to lose; to run away 8, 10 3
wang3 to go to 5 7
wang4 gaze into the distance 18 11
wang4 yang2 xing1 tan4 望洋興歎 lament one's littleness before the vast ocean 18 11, 9, 13, 15
wei1 power and influence 14 9
wei2 to turn into, to become 2, 8, 12 9
wei2 to act; do; 何為者 'What are you doing there?' 13 9
wei2 to be…, consider … as… 14 9
wei2 jun1 為軍 to direct military affairs 20 9, 9
wei4 have not, did not 1, 8 5
wei4 as in 精衛, name of a legendary bird 2 15
wei4 to say; to tell 5, 8, 12 16
wei4 for; used to form a passive voice 6 9
wei4 prep. For, in behalf of 17 9
wei4 to fear 14 9
wei4 country or person name; 魏王 King of Wei 15 18
wen2 as in 文首,colorful pattern 2 4
wen2 obey; comply with 9 14
wen2 be told, hear 17 4
wen2 knowledge 18 4
wen4 to ask 1 11
weng1 old man, as in 塞翁, the old man on the frontier 10 10
wo3 I, me 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20 7
wu1 crow 2 10
wu2 吳越之王 the Kings of Wu and Yue 13 7
wu2 pron. I, my 3 7
wu2 not ; as in 無不 all without exception; do not 4, 16 12
wu3 five 14 4
wu4 things 4 8
wu4 do not 20 4
xi1 as in 昭奚恤, a person name, a ranking official of Chu Kingdom 14 9
xi1 wei4 奚為 why 15 9, 10
xi1 西 west 2, 13 6
xi1 to sigh 19 10
xi3 happy 11 12
xi4n believe 4, 18 9
xi4n trust, reputation 15 9
xia4 summer 18
xian1 first 8 6
xian1 sheng1 先生 master (honorific) 9 6
xian1 wang2 先王 ancient kings 6 6
xian2 bowstring 10 8
xian2 to hold in the mouth 2 14
xian3 dangerous and difficult 19 15
xian4 to fall into; to enter 4 10
xian4 to put forward 19 20
xian4 to limit 11 8
xiang1 each other; mutually 4, 12 9
xiang1 xu3 相許 to agree with … opinions 19 9, 11
xiang4 zhe3 嚮者 previously, a moment ago 16 17, 8
xiao4 to laugh 6 10
xie4 firewood 9 17
xin1 feelings 11 4
xin1 ran2 欣然 be immensely proud 18 8, 12
xin4 trustworthy; confidence, credibility; (取)信於天下 to win confidence of all the people 14, 15 9
xing2 to go; to happen; to resotre 3, 18, 20 16
xiu1 to study, to follow 6 12
xu1 to study; to follow 6 11
xu3 to agree 19 11
xu4 as in 昭奚恤, a person name, a ranking official of Chu Kingdom 14 9
xuan1 acorn 11 8
xuan2 turn around 18 11
xun4 accord with; agree to 11 12
ya2 cliff 18 11
ya4 to pull up 5 13
yan1 pron. here, there, the place that was refereed to 2, 13 11
yan1 adv. how 10 11
yan1 to indicate a pause 18 11
yan1 where 19 11
yan2 word, speech 1 7
yan2 as in 炎帝 yándì, Emperor Yan, a legendary king 2 8
yan4 a state during the period of Warring States 12 16
yang2 bu4 楊布 person name 16 13, 5
yang2 zhu1 楊朱 person name 16 13, 6
yang2 ocean 18 9
yang3 to raise, nourish 11 14
ye1 interrogative particle =啊,呢 13 7
ye3 a final particle to indicate a mood of resolution, judgement 4, 6, 12 3
ye3 yi3 也已 particle, =了; 20 3, 3
ye3 yu3 野語 common saying 18 11, 14
ye4 studies, scholarship 1 13
ye4 call on (a superior or an elder person) 9 16
ye4zhe3 謁者 the official in charge of visitors 9 16, 8
yi1 fan3 一反 go and return once 19 1, 4
yi2 nan2 遺男 posthumous child 19 15, 7
yi2 doubts 19 14
yi2 to remove 19 11
yi3 in order to 2, 15 4
yi3 to use, take 4, 6 4
yi3 to indicate a result 12 4
yi3 to think, to consider 14 4
yi3 prep. =於、在 to be at… 17 4
yi3 conj. =來 17 4
yi3 wei2 以為 to think, to consider 14 4, 9
yi3 already 3 3
yi3 stop 19 3
yi3 particle, =了; 啦 (or to show a new development) 3, 5 7
yi4 to change 19 8
yi4 as in 易水, name of a river 12 8
yi4 邑金 city money; local taxes 13 7
yi4 also, indeed 3 6
yi4 advantage 5 10
yi4 to wear 16 6
yi4 thought 11 13
yi4 virture 18 13
yin1 according to; in line with; therefore 6 6
yin1 prep. ask approval of, because of… 9 6
yin1 to fill up 2 12
yin3 to make (a person) drink 8, 17 12
yin3 to draw, to pull; two draw (a bow) 8, 10 4
yin3 tu3 隱土 a legendary place name 19 16, 3
ying2 go to meet; head-on, in one's face 13, 16 7
ying4 to reply; answer 4 17
yong1 Shaanxi and Ganxu, 雍州南部 19 13
yong4 to use 20 5
yong4 travelling expenses 15 5
you2 travel for pleasure, to swim 2 12
you2 be just like 14, 16 12
you3 to have 2, 3, 4, ... 6
you4 also 5 2
you4 right 8 5
yu1 curcuitous; winding 19 6
yu2 prep. as to; attitude towards 4 8
yu2 prep. at, in 2, 3, 7, 18 8
yu2 prep. =比 9 8
yu2 foolish 19 13
yu2 gong1 愚公 the foolish old man 19 13, 4
yu2 fish 13 11
yu2 to fish, 漁者 fisherman; 漁父 an old fisherman 12 14
yu2 I 5 4
yu2 excessive 8 15
yu2 shi4 yan1 於是焉 under such circumstances 18
yu3 to give 11 13
yu3 and ; with 4, 7, 14 13
yu3 rain, it is pronunced as yu4 when is is used as a verb 'to rain' 12 8
yu3 to talk about 18 14
yu4 an old lady 1 15
yu4 to praise 4 20
yu4 to sell 4 22
yu4 want to 6 11
yu4 desire 11 11
yu4 jade 9 5
yu4 the more…the more 15 13
yu4 Henan Province 19 16
yu4 snipe 12 23
yu4 zhe3 御者 carriage driver 15 11, 8
yuan2 shafts, as in 南轅北轍 lit. while the carriage shafts point to the south, the tracks of the carriage lead to the north -- act in a way that defeats one's purpose 15 17
yuan3 take as distant 9 13
yuan4 to wish 7, 11 19
yue1 to say, to answer 1, 3 4
yue1 to be called 2, 7, 16 4
yue4 the state of Yue 13 12
yue4 month 20 4
yun2 to weed 5 10
yun4 to carry to 19 12
za2 ran2 雜然 one after another, 19 18, 12
zai1 an interrogative particle; = 吧, 呢 13, 16 9
zai4 to be at 18, 19 6
zan4 to help 20 19
zao3 early 13 6
ze2 yet; however 5 9
zeng1 to increase 19 15
zhan4 to fight 10 16
zhang3 to grow 5 8
zhang3 to be the leader of…, as in 長百獸 be king of beasts 14 8
zhao1 morning 7, 11 12
zhao1 as in 昭奚恤, a person name, a ranking official of Chu Kingdom 14 9
zhao4 an ancient feudal state (fl. 326-229 B.C.) 12 14
zhe2 to break 6 7
zhe2 the track of a wheel; rut; also in as in 南轅北轍 lit. while the carriage shafts point to the south, the tracks of the carriage lead to the north -- act in a way that defeats one's purpose 13, 15 19
zhe3 pron. one who does…, or is… 3, 4, 6, 9 8
zhe3 a structural pron. 12 8
zhe4 mu4 a thorny tree, three-bristle cudrania 2 9
zhen1 鍼(針) a needle 1 17 (10)
zhen4 陳(陣) to form a battle position 20 10
zheng1 fight; struggle (for) 12 8
zheng4 the state of Zheng 20 14
zheng4 the ways to govern a country 6 9
zhi1 as in 相支, neither side was ready to yield 12 4
zhi1 serves as a structural maker (see notes in the textbook) 3 3
zhi1 used between pronouns and nouns indicating the relationship of possessor and possessed 4 3
zhi1 used to combine subject and predicate making the as a subject-predicate noun phrase 5 3
zhi1 pron. this, it 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14 3
zhi1 to go to 9, 15 3
zhi1 to know 7, 10, 16 8
zhi1 a goblet; wine vessel 8 5
zhi1 jiu3 卮酒 a gblet of wine 8 5, 10
zhi3 to stop 3, 12 4
zhi3 tong1 指通 lead directly to = 直通 19 9, 10
zhi4 to rule; to govern 6 8
zhi4 to put 19 12
zhi4 spirit 20 7
zhi4 go to 15 6
zhi4 to arrive 17, 18 6
zhi4 to read 20 10
zhi4 wise 19 12
zhi4 sou3 智叟 Wise Old Man 19 12, 9
zhong1 finally, to the end 8 11
zhong1 middle 15 4
zhong1 dao4 中道 halfway 15 4, 12
zhong4 everbody; crowd; as in 大眾 people 11, 12 11
zhong4 fu3 仲父 a respectful term given to Guan Zhong 管仲 by Qi Huan Gong 齊桓公 17 5, 4
zhong4 ni2 仲尼 Confucius' style name 18 5, 5
zhou1 ship, boat 3 6
zhou1 an ancient administrative area, state 19 6
zhu1 fusion of two words 之 and 於, it in 19 15
zhu1 tree stumps 6 10
zhu3 small piece of land surrounded by water 18 11
zhu3 entrust 14 21
zhu4 to aid; to help 5 7
zhuan1 only 14 11
zhuang1 莊周, 莊子(?-ca 275 B.C.) 13 10
zhuang4 adult male, 丁壯 able-bodied men 10 2
zhuang4 form, appearance 2 8
zhui4 to fall 3 14
zhuo2 to peek 12 11
zi1 black silk 16 14
zi3 you (to address somebody respectfully) 4, 7, 14 3
zi4 from 3 6
zi4 self 4 6
zi4 xi3 自喜 think no end of oneself 18 6, 12
zou3 to run 6, 14 7
zu2 to finish 1, 9 8
zu2 claws; foot 2, 8 7
zu2 be enough 8, 11 7
zu3 ai4 阻隘 strategic pass; defile 20 7, 12
zun1 honoroble, respectful 15 12
zuo2 yesterday 13 9
zuo3 left 8 5
zuo4 seat 17 7
zuo4 to make 1 7
zuo4 se4 作色 show signs of anger 13 7