

Dr. Tim Xie

Professor Emeritus

Department of Asian and Asian American Studies

California State University Long Beach


Xie, Tianwei, Professor Emeritus of California State University at Long Beach, is the former Full Professor of Chinese Studies and Chair of the Department of Asian and Asian American Studies. He is also former Chair of SAT in Chinese, Chair of the Chinese Language Teachers� Association of Southern California, Editor of the Newsletter of Chinese Language Teachers Association. Prof. Xie studied Russian and taught English and linguistics in China. He taught Chinese in the University of Pittsburgh (1985-1992), the University of San Francisco (1994-1999) and the University of California at Davis (1992-1999). Since 1999, he has been teaching Chinese language at all levels, Chinese linguistics and culture related courses at CSU Long Beach until the end of 2013. His particular research interest is computer supported language education. His publication includes books and many articles on using computers to teach Chinese. His web site �Learning Chinese Online� ( is one of the most popular web sites among Chinese teachers and learners (3.5 million hits and listed #1 in Google search using the keyword �Learning Chinese Online�).

The Courses I Taught


CHIN 101 Web version, BeachBoard version

Fundamentals of Chinese, Spring 2004

CHIN 102 Web version, BeachBoard version

Fundamentals of Chinese, Spring 2004

CHIN 201 Web version, BeachBoard version

Intermediate Chinese, Fall 2004

CHIN 202 Web version, BeachBoard version

Intermediate Chinese, Spring 2000

CHIN 260 Introduction to Chinese Civilization

CHN 301 Web version, BeachBoard version

Advanced Chinese, Fall 2004

CHIN 350 Web version, BeachBoard version

Business Chinese, Fall 2004

CHN 360 Classical Chinese, BeachBoard version

Classical Chinese, Spring 2004

CHIN 380 Topics in Chinese Linguistics: Introduction to Chinese BeachBoard version

Introduction to Chinese, Spring 2003

CHIN 410/510 Chinese Information Processing, BeachBoard version

Introduction to concepts of Chinese computing and learning the skills of Chinese computing, Fall 2003

CHIN 451/551 Chinese Culture and Tradition

CHIN 492/592 Senior Seminar


Education & Background

Ph.D. in foreign language education, University of Pittsburgh, 1992
MA in linguistics, Shanghai International Studies University, 1980
B.A. (equivalent) in Russian language and literature, Shanghai International Studies University, 1967

Research Interests


Technology and Chinese language teaching

Exploring the possibility and feasibility to use computers in teaching Chinese.

 Second language acquisition

The difficulties of learning Chinese by native English speakers


Language policy, language planning, Chinese script reform

Projects & Collaborations

Micro-learning Video Series (New, 2013)

Introducing some tools that may be used by Chinese teachers

Animated Chinese characters

Showing Chinese characters stroke by stroke

Conversational Mandarin Chinese

15 Units of conversational Chinese for beginners, sound files and exercises

Chinese Radicals

The names of Chinese radicals

How to Use Unicode Pinyin

Web page introducing how to use unicode Pinyin for 2000

Learning Chinese Online

Web site helping students to learn Chinese

Online grammar exercises for PCR users

Interactive grammaer exercises

Online Tools for Chinese Language Instructors

Web resources for teachers

Practical Chinese Reader: Learning Aids Online

A collection of links to online learning materials of PCR users

Practical Chinese Reader: An E-book

A collection of links to online learning materials of PCR users, arranged by lessons

Shanghai Dialect

Web site for study Shanghai dialect

Technology and Chinese Language Teaching

Presentations at the Hamilton College Techonology and Chinese Language Teaching Workshop (June 2000)

Pros and Cons of Using Computers in Teaching Chinese (PPT)

Presentation at the Second International Conference on Chinese Education and Technology (Guilin, China, December 2000)

Creating a Good Environment for Kids to Learn Chinese (PPT) (Paper)

Presentation at the Summer Seminar of the Southern California Council of Chinese Schools (June 2001)

Using the Internet to Enhance Foreign Language Instruction (PPT) (Handout)

Presentation at the University of Calgary, Canada (October 2001)

Using Web-Based Automatic Translation Services in Teaching Chinese (PPT)(Handout)

Presentation at the annual conference of the CLTA (November 2001)

Three Models of Online Teaching (PPT) (Paper)

Presentation at the 2002 Spring seminar of the Southern California Council of Chinese Schools (June 2001)

Working Papers

Collection of my working papers. Comments are welcome.

Major Publications

中文教学与时俱进. In Chinese Language in the World, Volume 3. Zhongshan University Press, 2014 .《国际汉语》第三辑,中山大学出版社,2014

Text Diversification in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.对外汉语教学中的文本多元化. In Chinese Teaching in the World 《世界汉语教学》, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2014.

The Feasibility of Cross-Country Long Distance Tutoring. 11国际汉语教学学术研讨论文集2013.

�手写�还是�电写���电脑输入中文引起的讨论. In Journal of Chinese Language Teaching and Research in the U.S. 2011. <>

Tools for teaching Chinese in the virtual world. 在虚拟世界进行汉语教学的工具 In Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching Volume 1 Number 1, December 2010, pp. 59-70. <>

Using online dictionaries in teaching Chinese. 電腦詞典在中文教學中的應用.In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association February 2010, Volume 45:3.

Technology in Chinese Language Teaching and Learning. In Everson, Michael and Yun Xiao. (2009) Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language: Theories and Applications.Boston: Cheng & Tsui.

Strategies and Models of Applying Computer Technology in Chinese Language Teaching,中文教学中电脑技术应用的策略与模式.In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium of Chinese Language Teaching第八届国际汉语教学讨论会论文选. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2007.

Application of Computers in Foreign Language Teaching: Theories and Practice. In Ji, J. & N. Jiang. (Eds.). Developments in Applied Linguistics 应用语言学. Beijing: China Renmin University Press. 2007.

Interactive Spoken Chinese 互动式汉语口语, co-authered withSonaoka Kazuko 砂冈和子and others. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2007.

Chinese Culture and Tradition 中国文化与传统., 2007

Conversational Mandarin Chinese Online.(Simplified character version)., 2007.

Blog, Wiki, Podcasting and Chinese Teaching. 博客、維基、網播和中文教學.JCLTA, Vol 42. No. 1, 2007.

Reorganization and application of web resources for teaching Chinese. (Book chapter). In Zheng Yanqun (ed.). Theoretical Studies of Computer Aided Chinese Language Teaching. 对外汉语计算机辅助教学的实践研究. Beijing: Commercial Press. 2006.

Three Models of Teaching Chinese over the Internet. 网络汉语教学的三种模式. (Book chapter). In Zheng Yanqun (ed.). Theoretical Studies of Computer Aided Chinese Language Teaching. 对外汉语计算机辅助教学的理论研究. Beijing: Commercial Press. 2006.

Web Resources for Chinese Language Teaching. Chinalang Publishing. 2005.

Error analysis of Chinese Input in Chinese learning 中文教學中拼音輸入錯誤分析. In Ping Xu and Theresa Jen. 2005. 漢字教學與電腦科技Chinese Character Teaching and Computer Technology. Printed in Taipei. Publication supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

University Chinese Courses and Articulation Issues 美國大學中文教學與中學銜接問題. In OverseasChinese Language Teaching & Learning Report, No. 3, September 2004. Beijing Foreign Language University.

The Studies on the Theory and Methodology of the Digitalized Chinese Teaching to Foreigners. 数字化对外汉语教学理论与方法研究 (one of the chief editors: Zhang Pu, Xie Tianwei and Xu Juan.) Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. 2004.

The Economic Principles in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (co-authored with Lu Bingu.)

In Hanyu Xuexi, 汉语学习August, 2004. Jilin: Yanbian University Press.

Reorganization and Application of Internet Resourses

In Zhang Pu, Xie Tianwei and Xu Juan (eds.) 2004. The Studies on the Theory and Methodology of the Digitalized Chinese Teaching to Foreigners. 数字化对外汉语教学理论与方法研究 Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.

Current Trends in SociolinguisticsBeijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe, 2004. Second edition.

Discussing the current issues in sociolinguistics, co-authored with Tao Hongyin and Xu Daming

Chinese Long Distance Education in the U.S. Issues and Explorations

In Overseas Chinese Language Teaching & Learning Report, Beijing: Beijing Foreign Language University, No. 3, August 2003.

Three Models of Online Teaching

In E-Learning and Chinese Teaching to Foreigners. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. 2002.

Using Word Processing Software and the Impact on Pedagogy (PPT) (Paper)

In Forum of Teaching Chinese to Foreigners. Vol. 2. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Press. 2002.

On Broadening the Scope of Comparison between English and Chinese (co-authored with Lu Bingfu)

In Journal of CLTA, Vol. 37:1, 2002. Discussion of comparison between English and Chinese from new perspectives.

Using Internet Relay Chat in Teaching Chinese

In CALICO journal, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2002. Discussing how to use IRC for teaching Chinese.

e-Generation's Chinese Language Teachers: Meet the New Challenges

In Journal of CLTA, Vol. 36:3, 2001. Discussing the basic skills that the Chinese language teachers should have to meet the challenges in the new millenium.

Pros and Cons of Using Computers in Teaching Chinese.

In Modern Education Technology and Chinese Teaching to Foreigners. Guangxi: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2000.

Using computers in teaching Chinese

In Mapping the Course of the Chinese Language Field, Chinese Language Teachers Association Monograph Series, Volume III. Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1999. Exploring various ways to use computers in teaching the language

Current Trends in SociolinguisticsBeijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe, 1997

Discussing the current issues in sociolinguistics, co-authored with Tao Hongyin and Xu Daming

A Functional Study of Topic in Chinese: the First Step Towards Discourse AnalysisBeijing: Yuwen Chubanshe, 1995

Translation of F. F. Tsao's book from English

Last updated September, 2015