Thinking and Evaluating

Both of these transcripts come from Testimony before House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice, Sept. 22, 1994.


Deval Patrick
Patrick is Assistant U.S. Attorney General, Civil Rights Division,
"The effort to stop violent interference with the delivery of reproductive health services and to protect the right of access to those services, while remaining vigilant with respect to the First Amendment rights of all Americans, is a major priority of the Department of Justice.

The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) gives law enforcement officials a valuable new tool to combat violence and obstruction designed to prevent women from exercising the constitutionally protected right to make a deeply private choice, a choice to terminate a pregnancy."

Susan Finn
Administrator, Priests for Life, Anaheim, Calif.,
"I have worked full time in the pro-life movement for the past seven years, and have acquired an in-depth understanding of pro-life work and the people who make up the pro-life movement. In my years of experience, I have known the pro-life movement to be peaceful.

As pro-lifers, we believe that all human life is sacred, that of the babies, the moms, the dads and those who work in the abortion industry. Our goal is to help all of these different people, so their hearts will change and they can love the unborn child. . . .

[T]he only way women will hear about the serious risks involved in abortion is by people who aren't making a “buck” from their abortions. It's a crime to have an unregulated industry, yet prevent women from hearing about the alternatives."

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