Organizing and Brainstorming

Assignment Wording and Expectations

Your assignments may use the following wording: This is what your professor expects you to do:
Analyze, compare, contrast, distinguish, examine Break down knowledge into parts and show relationships among parts
Describe, indicate, restate, explain, review, summarize, classify Interpret information in your own words
Provide corroborating evidence, reference other works, research, cite examples Use outside research to support your thesis or hypothesis
Use supporting examples, cite passages from the text, paraphrase, summarize Quote or paraphrase to support what you have written
Evaluate, conclude, judge, predict, compare, score Make judgments based on criteria; support, confirm preferences
Apply, illustrate, prepare, solve, use, sketch, operate, practice, calculate Apply knowledge to new situations
Arrange, compose, formulate, organize, plan, assemble, construct Bring together parts of knowledge to form a whole; build relationships for new situations
Define, label, list, name, repeat, order, arrange, memorize Memorize, recall, and present information

Text taken from Online Guide to Research and Writing
© 1996-2005 University of Maryland University College

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