Be sure to double check periods, quotes, italics, underlining, parenthesis and make sure the citation is in the correct order.

Diehm, R. & Armatas, C. (2004). Surfing: An avenue for socially acceptable risk-taking, satisfying needs for sensations and experience seeking. Personality & Individual Differences, 36(3), 663-677.

Diehm, Rebekah and Christine Armatas. "Surfing: An avenue for socially acceptable risk-taking, satisfying needs for sensations and experience seeking." Personality & Individual Differences. 36.3 (2004): 663-677.

"Students always have trouble with citing references. If they take the time and use the resources that are easily available I wouldn't have to take points off on their references. Making sure you are giving credit correctly is an important part of the research process, in addition to writing the paper."

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