Only .gov and .edu cannot be purchased by individuals or companies!

Books and journal articles have editors who evaluate the content...however web sites are not evaluated--EXCEPT BY YOU. This means you need to spend time evaluating any web site before you use it for your research assignments. Examine the URL. Most web sites are one of six different types of sites:

Educational (.edu) The web site can have varied purposes. Web sites can provide high quality research findings or digital content. Beware the web site could also be a personal web site.

Governmental (.gov or .mil) Purpose of web site is to inform or educate with factual information generally without influencing opinion. Usually one of the most reliable and useful types of web sites.

Advocacy (.org) The web site is sponsored by an organization attempting to influence public opinion. The information may be biased.

News (.com) Purpose is to provide very current information, updated multiple times a day.
The emphasis is often on quickly updating the web site not necessarily on double checking the facts.

Commercial or Entertainment (.com or .net or .org) Web site created by commercial entity.
Purpose of web site is to sell or promote products. The Information may be biased.

Personal (.edu, .org, .net or .com) URL usually contains "~". Purpose of the web site can be just about anything. Organizations may not control what an individual posts on their individual pages within the organization's web site.

Learn what other URL endings mean

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