Not everything is available for FREE on the Internet such as scholarly articles,older newspapers, financial information for private companies, or literary criticism. Use Library Databases instead!

How do I find web sites that I can use for my assignments?

  • Library Research Guides pull together web sites (often scholarly) that have been evaluated by librarians.
  • Gateways and directories let you browse links gathered by subject content such as Yahoo, Google directory, and other subject specific directories.
  • Search professional societies and organizations on your "Who cares list."
  • Search libraries like the Library of Congress or large research universities like UCLA that have digitized resources not available in search engines.

  • Use your keywords and search statement. Put quotes "" around your search phrases.
  • Beware of Sponsored Links.
  • Use the "Advanced Search." Limit to a specific domain (i.e. .gov, .edu).
  • Use more than one search engine. Have you ever used Teoma? Metacrawler?


Use a Research Guide that is good for your topic and find a good web site. Or select the Legal Information Research Guide and select one web site that may be helpful for Amber's topic of student's being prosecuted for downloading music from the internet. What is the web sites title?
When was it last updated?
Who is the author?
Copy and Paste the URL.

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