Professional and Personal Selection/FCS 251:

    Apparel selection for professional and personal needs based on design, culture, and fashion.  Wardrobe analysis and coordination; consumer clothing and guidelines. (Lecture-discussion 3 hours.)  (CAN H EC 20)

Introduction to the Fashion Industry/FCS 255:

    Organization, structure and interrelationship of industries and services that comprise the business of fashion; terminology, designers, trade organizations and publications.  Professional opportunities explored.  (Lecture-discussion 3 hours.)

Fashion Promotion and Sales/FCS 351:

    Concepts, practices and procedures related to fashion promotion.  Includes planning, directing and evaluating promotion activities such as visual merchandising, special events, publicity, and personal and non-personal selling.  (Discussion, 3 hours.)

Fashion Merchandising Planning and Control/FCS 355:

    Concepts, practices, and procedures as well as calculations and computer applications as they relate to apparel retail profit.  Includes inventory methods, operating statements, and purchase plan procedures.  (Discussion, 3 hours.)

Fashion Merchandising/FCS 455:

    Application of merchandising concepts for budgeting, planning, buying, promotion, and selling of fashion goods and apparel in retail organizations.   (Discussion, 3 hours.)

European Fashion Tour/FCS 490A:

    This course focuses on the importance of European fashion to the global fashion industry.  On alternate summers of even number years (2000, 2002, 2004, etc.), students travel to Europe and visit retailers, manufacturers, textile houses, museums, and other places of fashion and cultural interest.  (Seminar, 3 hours).

Los Angeles Fashion Tour/FCS 490C:

    This course focuses on the importance of the Los Angeles fashion industry to the global fashion industry.  On alternate summers of odd numbered years (2001, 2003, 2005, etc.), students visit retailers, manufacturers, textile houses, costumers, and other places of fashion interest within the Los Angeles/Orange County area.  (Seminar, 3 hours).

New York Fashion Tour/FCS 490B:

    This course focuses on the importance of the New York fashion industry to the global fashion industry.  Each January (Winter Session), students travel to New York and visit retailers, manufacturers, textile mills, museums, and other places of fashion and cultural interest.  (Seminar, 3 hours).

Internship/FCS 492/592:

   Field experience of 120 hours in which the student assume a pre-professional role in fashion business.  Internship sponsors monitor and evaluate student work based on pre-established criteria stated in the contract.  The pre-established criteria in the contract consists of objectives developed by the student in consultation with the supervisor.  Over 100 sponsors are available from which to chose.  Many students are hired into full-time jobs by their internship sponsors.  (Seminar, 3 hours.)  May be repeated for a maximum of six units.  

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