/*-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Name: stars.sas * * Title: Star plot of multivariate data * * Plots each observation as a star figure with one ray for * * each variable, ray length proportional to the size of that * * variable. * * Doc: http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/sssg/stars.html * * * * Reference: Chambers, Cleveland, Kleiner & Tukey, Graphical methods* * for data analysis, Wadsworth, 1983. pp158-162. * *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Author: Michael Friendly * * Created: 31 Mar 1988 00:15:25 * * Revised: 21 Dec 2005 11:10:21 * * Version: 1.7 * * - Replaced IML scaling with datastep * * - Added color=option to control color of individual stars * * - Added MISSING= option * * - Added KEYPAGE= option: variable key on same/new page * * - Fixed bug with scaling of text in variable key * * - Added std= to standardize, and sortby= to sort obs * * 1.7 Added VORDER=PRINn to order varibles by PRINn * * Added CFILL= to fill stars with given color * * Added RAYLINE= to draw rays with different line styles * * Added OUT= to name output data set * * Allow KEYPAGE=-1 to suppress variable key * * Default for MISSING= changed to 0 * * * * Dependencies: %gskip (needed for eps/gif only) * * From ``SAS System for Statistical Graphics, First Edition'' * * Copyright(c) 1991 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA * *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*= =Description: The STARS macro draws a star plot of the multivariate observations in a data set. Each observation is depicted by a star-shaped figure with one ray for each variable, whose length is proportional to the size of that variable. Each variable is scaled from 0 to 1. The STD= option permits the variables to be standardized to a given mean and standard deviation before this scaling. The SORTBY= option allows the observations to be sorted by a variable or a statistic. The VORDER= option allows the order of variables around the star to be rearranged according to their values on a given principal component. ==Method: The macro constructs an ANNOTATE data set to draw the entire display, possibly with several pages. The graphic ouotput is produced using PROC GSLIDE. =Usage: The STARS macro is defined with keyword parameters. The arguments may be listed within parentheses in any order, separated by commas. For example: %stars(data=auto); ==Parameters: * DATA= Data set to be displayed [Default: DATA=_LAST_] * VAR= Names of variables, as ordered around the star, from angle=0 (horizontal), unless the VORDER= option is used. [Default: VAR=_NUMERIC_] * ID= Observation identifier (a character variable) * STD= Standardizes the variables first to given mean and (optionally) a given standard deviation. STD=0 standardizes to mean=0; STD=0 1 standardizes to mean=0, std=1. By default the variables are not standardized, but are scaled to 0,1. * SORTBY= Sorts the observations by a variable in the data set, or a statistic calculated across all variables in the VAR= list. If the SORTBY= value end in a '.', it is assumed to be the name of a statistic. For example SORTBY=SUM. sorts by the total of scaled values for all variables. * VORDER= You can specify VORDER=PRINn to request that the variables are reordered according to their weights on the nth principal components of the correlation matrix, where, typically n=1 or 2. VORDER=ANGLE requests that the variables are ordered according to the angles between variable vectors in a plot of the first two principal compontents, * MINRAY= Minimum ray length, a number between 0 and 1 [Default: MINRAY=.1] * ACROSS= Number of stars across a page [Default: ACROSS=6] * DOWN= Number of stars down a page. If the product of ACROSS and DOWN is less than the number of observations, multiple graphs are produced. [Default: DOWN=6] * COLOR= Specifies the color used to draw rays for individual observations, either as a quoted string constant, or the name ofa variable in the input data set (but don't use COLOR=COLOR !) [Default: COLOR='BLACK'] * CFILL= Background color for the stars [Default: CFILL=''] * RAYLINE= Line style(s) of rays [Default: RAYLINE=1] * RAYTHICK= Line thickness of rays [Default: RAYTHICK=1] * HTVLABEL= Height of variable labels in the variable key [Default: HTVLABEL=2.5] * A0= Angle offset, the angle for first ray [Default: A0=0] * CIRCLE= Draw a circle around each star at 100%? A non-zero value specifies the line style used for the circle. [Default: CIRCLE=0] * MISSING= Specifies the ray length to be used when an observation has a missing value. Specify MISSING = . (a period) to have observations with missing values deleted. [Default: MISSING=0] * NAME= Name for graphic catalog entry [Default: NAME=STARS] * KEYPAGE= Draw the variable key on separate page? If KEYPAGE is a positive number, a separate page for the variable key is produced. If KEYPAGE < 0, the variable key is suppressed. If KEYPAGE = 0, the variable key is drawn in the top left corner of the first page. [Default: KEYPAGE=1] * OUT= The name of the output ANNOTATE data set used to draw the stars. [Default: OUT=STARS] ==GOPTIONS: The font used for text labels is controled by the FTEXT= setting. The HSIZE= and VSIZE= options should be used to scale the graph so that the individual stars are approxmately the same height and width. =*/ %macro stars( data=_LAST_, /* Data set to be displayed */ var=_NUMERIC_, /* Variables, as ordered around the star */ /* from angle=0 (horizontal) */ id=, /* Observation identifier (char variable) */ std=, /* Standardize first: M [SD] */ sortby=, /* Sort obs by a variable or stat. */ vorder=, /* Order variables by PRINx ? */ minray=.1, /* Minimum ray length, 0<=MINRAY<1 */ across=6, /* Number of stars across a page */ down=6, /* Number of stars down a page */ color='BLACK', /* star color, quoted string or variable name */ cfill='', /* Background color */ rayline=1, /* Line style(s) of rays */ raythick=1, /* Line thickness of rays */ htvlabel=2.5, /* Height of variable labels in key */ a0=0, /* Angle offset - angle for first ray */ circle=0, /* Draw circle around each star at 100%? */ missing=0, /* value assigned to missing data, or . to delete */ name=stars, /* name for graphic catalog entry */ keypage=1, /* draw variable key on separate page? */ out=stars /* name of output data set */ ); %if %bquote(&data)= %bquote(_LAST_) %then %let data = &syslast; %if %length(&color) = 0 %then %let COLOR = 'BLACK'; /*---------------------------------------* | Find out how many variables and obs. | *---------------------------------------*/ data _null_; file log; array p{*} &var ; point=1; set &data point=point nobs=nobs; k = dim(p); put "NOTE: STARS plots for data set &DATA" ; put @7 'Number of variables = ' k ; put @7 'Number of observations = ' nobs /; call symput('NV' , left(put(k, 2.))); call symput('NOBS', put(nobs, 5.)); lines = "&rayline"; this = scan(lines,1); do i=2 by 1 until(this=' '); this = scan(lines,i); end; call symput('NL' , left(put(i-1, 2.))); stop; /* Don't forget this ! */ run; /*---------------------------------------* | Re-order vars by PRIN | *---------------------------------------*/ %if %length(&vorder) %then %do; %let vorder=%upcase(&vorder); %if %index(|PRIN| |ANGL|, |%substr(&vorder,1,4)|) = 0 %then %do; %put STARS: VORDER=&vorder not recognized. Using VORDER=ANGLE; %let vorder=ANGLE; %end; %if %substr(&vorder,1,4) = 'PRIN' or &vorder=ANGLE %then %do; proc princomp data=&data cov outstat=_comp_ noprint; var &var; data _comp_; set _comp_; where _type_='SCORE'; drop _name_ _type_; proc transpose data=_comp_ out=_comp_ prefix=prin; %if &vorder=ANGLE %then %do; data _comp_; set _comp_; angle = atan(prin2/prin1); %end; proc sort; by &vorder; data _null_; set _comp_ end=eof; length vars $200; retain vars; if _n_=1 then vars = _name_; else vars = trim(vars) || ' ' || _name_; if eof then call symput('var', trim(vars)); run; %end; %end; /*----------------------------------------------------* | Standardize each variable to given mean, std | *----------------------------------------------------*/ %if %length(&std) %then %do; %let mean = %scan(&std,1); %let stdev = %scan(&std,2); %if %length(&stdev) and &stdev ^= . %then %let stdev=s=&stdev; %else %let stdev=; proc standard data=&data out=&data m=&mean &stdev; var &var; %end; /*----------------------------------------------------* | Sort observations by variable or statistic | *----------------------------------------------------*/ %if %length(&sortby) %then %do; %if %index(&sortby,.) %then %do; %let sortby = %substr(&sortby,1, %eval(%index(&sortby,.)-1)); data &data; set &data; &sortby = &sortby(of &var); %end; proc sort; by &sortby; %end; /*----------------------------------------------------* | Scale each variable to range from MINRAY to 1.0 | *----------------------------------------------------*/ proc univariate noprint data=&data; var &var; output out=_range_ min=mn1-mn&nv max=mx1-mx&nv; run; data _scaled_; set &data; if _n_=1 then set _range_; drop i keep mn1-mn&nv mx1-mx&nv; array vars{*} &var; array mn{*} mn1-mn&nv ; array mx{*} mx1-mx&nv ; keep = 1; do i = 1 to &nv; if vars(i) = . then do; vars(i) = &missing; keep=&missing; end; else vars(i) = &minray + (1-&minray)*(vars(i)-mn(i))/ (mx(i)-mn(i)); end; if keep = . then delete; %put &DATA dataset variables scaled to range &MINRAY to 1; /*---------------------------------------------------* | Text POSITIONs corresponding to rays of varying | | angle around the star | *---------------------------------------------------*/ proc format; value posn 0-22.5 = '6' /* left, centered */ 22.6-67.5 = 'C' /* left, above */ 67.6-112.5= '2' /* centered, above */ 112.6-157.5= 'A' /* right, above */ 157.6-202.5= '4' /* right, centered */ 202.6-247.5= 'D' /* right, below */ 247.6-292.5= 'E' /* centered, below */ other='F'; /* left, below */ run; /*------------------------------------------* | Construct ANNOTATE data set to draw and | | label the star for each observation. | *------------------------------------------*/ data &out; length function varname color $8; array p(k) &var ; retain s1-s&nv c1-c&nv; retain cols &across /* number of observations per row */ rows &down /* number of rows per page */ xsys '1' /* use data percentage coordinates */ ysys '1' /* for both X and Y */ lx ly page 1 /* cell X,Y and page counters */ rx ry r /* cell radii */ a0; array s(k) s1-s&nv; /* sines of angle */ array c(k) c1-c&nv; /* cosines of angle */ array l{&nl} _temporary_ (&rayline); drop cols rows rx ry cx cy s1-s&nv c1-c&nv &var x0 y0 &id k save; drop varname showvar r ang a0 i; if _n_=1 then do; *--- precompute ray angles; a0 = &a0 * (3.1415926/180); do k= 1 to &nv; ang = a0 + (2 * 3.1415926 * (k-1)/&nv); s = sin( ang ); c = cos( ang ); p = 1.0; end; *--- set size of one cell; rx= (100/cols)/2; ry= (100/rows)/2; text = 'Variable Assignment Key'; showvar=1; /* For variable key */ %if &keypage < 0 %then %do; lx = 0; ly = 0; %end; %else %if &keypage > 0 %then %do; x0 = 50; y0 = 50; r = 30; size=&htvlabel; x = x0; y = 8; function = 'LABEL'; output; link DrawStar; /* Do variable key */ page+1; lx = 0; ly = 0; %end; %else %do; cy = 100 * (rows-1) / rows; x0 = rx; y0 = ry + cy; r = .5 * min(rx,ry); x = x0; y = y0 + .9*ry; size=.9; function = 'LABEL'; output; x = 0; y=cy; function='MOVE'; output; x = 100/cols; function='DRAW'; output; y = 100; function='DRAW'; output; link DrawStar; /* Do variable key */ lx = 1; ly = 0; %end; end; set _scaled_ end=lastobs; showvar=0; r = .90 * min(rx,ry); /* (CX,CY) specify location of lower left corner */ /* as percent of data area */ cx = 100 * (lx) / cols; cy = 100 * ((rows-1)-ly) / rows; color = 'BLACK'; function = 'LABEL'; /* Label the observation centered */ size = round(r/12,.1); /* at bottom of the cell */ size = min(max(1,size),2); /* .8 <= SIZE <= 2 */ text = &id; position='5'; x =rx+cx; y=1+cy; output; x0 = cx + rx; /* Origin for this star */ y0 = cy + ry; link drawstar; %if &circle>0 %then %do; size=.; color='yellow'; line=&circle; link circle; %end; if ( lastobs ) then do; call symput('PAGES',trim(left(page))); put 'STARS plot will produce ' page 'page(s).'; end; lx + 1; /* next column */ if lx = cols then do; lx = 0; ly + 1; end; /* next row */ if ly = rows then do; lx = 0; ly = 0; page + 1; end; /* next page */ return; DrawStar: *-- Draw star outline; do k = 1 to &nv; x = x0 + p * r * c; y = y0 + p * r * s; if k=1 then do; %if %length(&cfill)>0 %then %do; color = &cfill; if color ^=' ' then style = 'solid'; %end; function = 'POLY'; end; else do; color = &color; function = 'polycont'; end; output; end; *-- draw rays from center to each point; *-- label with the variable name if showvar=1; do k = 1 to &nv; x=x0; y=y0; function='MOVE'; output; x = x0 + p * r * c; y = y0 + p * r * s; line = l{1+mod(k-1, &nl)}; save = size; size = &raythick; function = 'DRAW'; output; size=save; if showvar = 1 then do; ang = a0 + (2 * 3.1415926 * (k-1)/&nv); varname= ' '; call vname(p,varname) ; text = trim(left(varname)); text = substr(text,1,1) || lowcase(substr(text,2)); position = left(put(180*ang/3.14159,posn.)); function = 'LABEL'; output; end; end; return; circle: do i = 0 to 2*3.1415926 by (2*3.1415926/36); if i=0 then function='move' ; else function='draw' ; x=x0+r*cos(i); y=y0+r*sin(i); output; end; return; run; /* Force SAS to do it (DONT REMOVE) */ /*----------------------------------------* | Plot each page with GSLIDE: | | - Copy observations for current page | | - Draw plot | | - Delete page data set | *----------------------------------------*/ %do pg = 1 %to &pages; data slide&pg; /* Select current page to plot */ set &out; if page = &pg; proc gslide annotate=slide&pg /*&GOUT*/ /* Plot current page */ name="&name&pg" des="stars plot of &data"; run; %if &pages>1 %then %gskip; proc datasets nolist lib=work; delete slide&pg; %end; /* end of page */ %mend;