

Past University Positions with Teaching Duties

California State University Long Beach (lecturer, part-time) 1999 - present

University of Oregon (assistant professor) 1989-1995

Harvard University Summer School (visiting associate professor), 1988

Case Western Reserve U (assistant professor) 1988-1989

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (postdoctoral fellow), 1981

Courses Previously Taught

Cultural Anthropology:

Anthropology of War (CWRU, UO)

Culture and Population Dynamics (UNC/Chapel Hill)

Introductory Cultural Anthropology (UO)

Social Change / Sociocultural Evolution (CWRU, UO)

Technology and Culture (CWRU, UO)

Area courses:

Japanese History as Social Science (UO)

Japanese Language, Culture and Communication (CSULB)

Japanese People, Society, and Culture (CWRU, Harvard University Summer School, UO)

Social Science Research Materials in Japanese (UO)

Social Work:

Graduate Field Seminar (MSW course)

Courses of Particular Interest, in addition to the above:

Introductory Anthropology for the Helping Professions

careful selection of fundamental concepts of direct relevance to social work and related practices, including diversity, stratification and oppression, ethnocentrism, population dynamics, and gender relations, all examined in a cross-cultural survey ranging in time from early hunter-gatherers to present-day hyperindustrialized societies

Cross-cultural Issues in Service Delivery

introduction to subcultures in modern US society with special attention to recent immigrants, surveying such factors affecting barriers to service provision as these groups’ education and adaptive capacity, language proficiency, political status, community institutions, domestic arrangements and women’s status.

I would also be eager to discuss teaching other courses that reflect the needs of the academic department or program considering me.