Interactive Map of Mars Regions
Rodrigue's Orders of Relief:

Second Order of Relief

(conspicuous large features that cross the dichotomy and Tharsis,
each expressing a major geomorphic, climatological, or geological process
creating useful "landmarks" in the regional organization of the martian surface)

Christine M. Rodrigue
Geography, CSULB,

[ Map of MOLA DEM on Mercator projection ] the four gigantic Mars craters (ARGYRE, Hellas, Isidis, Utopia), 2nd order the four gigantic Mars craters (Argyre, HELLAS, Isidis, Utopia), 2nd order the four gigantic Mars craters (Argyre, Hellas, ISIDIS, Utopia), 2nd order the four gigantic Mars craters (Argyre, Hellas, Isidis, UTOPIA), 2nd order Elysium Rise, volcanic platform supporting the three Elysium Montes:  Albor Tholus, Elysium Mons, and Hecates Tholus, 2nd order the Blue Scorpion or dark wedge centered on Syrtis Major Planum, 2nd order Kasei Valles outwash channels, 2nd order Valles Marineris rift and canyon systems, including Noctis Labyrinthus, 2nd order Chryse Trough drainage channels east of Tharsis, 2nd order Thaumasia Plateau, 2nd order
First placed on the web: 03/16/21
Last revised: 03/16/21