[ John J. Rodrigue finishing his senior thesis ]

Here, "Jake" is burning the midnight oil to finish his senior thesis in Spring, 1976.

[ John J. Rodrigue listening to Dick Peet's talk at Dave Hornbeck's 
apartment, January, 1977 ]

John is at a party for CSUN students, alumni, and prospective graduate students at Dr. David Hornbeck's apartment, listening to Dr. Richard Peet's talk about graduate studies at Clark University. This would have been during the winter break of 1976-1977.

[ John J. Rodrigue at John-Paul Rodrigue's graduation ]

John is attending the graduation of our father, John-Paul Rodrigue, who earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography from California State University, Northridge, in Spring, 1978. Dad's on the left, Johnny's on the right, and Dr. David Hornbeck (professor of geography at CSUN) is in the middle.



First placed on the web: 06/20/01
Last revised: 12/26/01