Geography Photo Contest Winners
[ Logo Image: Old map of Planet Earth fading into images of 
California State University, Long Beach ]
      Department of Geography
College of Liberal Arts
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840-1101 USA

* Our Latest Winners!        * 2005 Winners        * 2004 Winners        * 2003 Winners

Photograph of Havasupai Falls, winner of the physical geography and 
grand overall prize in the 2006 Geography Photo Contest

2006 grand prize:
Havasupai Falls, Matt Ebiner

Photograph of Pinnacles Desert, Western Australia, winner of the 
physical geography and grand overall prize in the 2005 Geography Photo 

2005 grand prize:
Pinnacles Desert, Australia,
Matt Ebiner

Photograph of girl in village, winner of the people and culture and 
grand overall prize in the 2003 Geography Photo Contest

2003 grand prize:
Girl in Village, Kali Gandaki Valley, Nepal,
Noel Ludwig

Animation alternating between two tied winners for grand overall 
prize in the 2004 Geography Photo Contest:  Summer Monsoon, Petrified Forest, 
Arizona, Christopher Lee, and Stream in Fall, Great Smoke Mountains, TN

2004 tie for grand prize:
Summer Monsoon, Petrified Forest, AZ
Christopher Lee
Stream in Fall, Great Smoke Mountains, TN
David Cline

Page maintained by Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue
Page first placed on web: 12/10/06
Last revised: 12/10/06