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Geography 140-03 (Ticket #13696)

Introduction to Physical Geography

Online Edition, Fall 2001


Would you like to take care of 3 units of your General Education science requirement (in category G.B3) from the comfort of your own home and computer? Well, Geography 140-03 could be the class for you! You can read the lectures, view the illustrations, participate in class discussions, and work through the labs on a schedule that works for you! Imagine the advantage of actually getting a copy of the instructor's own dog-eared notes!!! (Legally!)

So, what is physical geography? Geography is a discipline that covers both the natural sciences and the social sciences (kind of like anthropology and psychology do), and physical geography is the natural science part of the discipline. Some of the subjects the class covers:

So, if you would like to learn about things like this, get G.B3 credit, and do all this at home, sign up for Geography 140-03 (# 13696) and then show up for the organizational meeting on the first Friday of the semester (August 31st) at 11 a.m. in LH-151.

Please make sure you have a working e-mail account by the first day of class!!! so the instructor can build the class listserver fast. By the way, you are entitled to a free e-mail and web account at CSULB, but other accounts are okay if you already have them.

There will also be four other meetings in the course of the semester to take care of exams. These real-world meetings will be on Fridays in the 11 am to 2 pm time slot (though they won't generally need the full three hours, and other arrangements can be made by prior agreement).

Your professor will be Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue. She is a highly- rated instructor and very proficient at this sort of thing. She has been Internetting her classes since 1994 and serves as the Department's webmaster, so you can expect a smooth experience (especially since this will be the third time she's done this particular class completely online).

You can have a look at Dr. Rodrigue's Geography 140 class syllabus. You can learn more about the instructor from her web page and by e-mailing her. To learn more about geography, you can surf the department's web page (especially all those internships and scholarships). If you think you might like to major in geography but aren't sure what you would do with a degree in geography, you can check out the jobs possibilities here.

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This document is maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
Last Updated: 08/17/01
