[ NASA image of Earth ]
   California State University,
Long Beach
Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program
Geology, Geography, Geoarchæology
Christine M. Rodrigue
Suzanne P. Wechsler
David J. Whitney
Elizabeth L. Ambos
María Teresa Ramírez-Herrera
Richard Behl
Robert D. Francis
Daniel O. Larson
Crisanne Hazen

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Geoscience Diversity
Enhancement Project:
Student Responses

Christine M. Rodrigue, Suzanne Wechsler, David Whitney,
Elizabeth L. Ambos, María-Teresa Ramírez-Herrera, Richard
Behl, Robert D. Francis, Daniel O. Larson, and Crisanne Hazen

California State University, Long Beach

(Geography, Geological Sciences, Anthropology,
Psychology, Science Education)


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GDEP -- Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program

  • Three-year program - began in Fall 2001
  • Funded by the National Science Foundation's Opportunities to Enhance Diversity in Geosciences program (OEDG)
  • Designed to attract students from NSF- designated underrepresented groups in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM): African-American, Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander, and disabled students
  • Geosciences defined as: studies in the physical geographic, geologic, archaeologic, and environmental science disciplines.

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GDEP: An Interdisciplinary Partnership to Improve Opportunities for Students

  • A unique teaming among CSULB faculty in geography, geology, and anthropology
  • Three departments and two colleges collaborated to provide interdisciplinary Earth system science research opportunities for community college and high school students on the CSULB campus
  • Designated partners include 5 local community colleges and the Long Beach Unified School District
  • Dedicated to closing the GAP between community demographics and 4-year college geoscience student demographics

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Student Enrollment, F/2000 NSF-Defined Underrepresented Groups

Native American 0.7 2.2 0.4
African American 6.6 2.2 19.9
Latino/Hispanic 21.1 8.6 43.8
Pacific Islander 0.5 0.7 2.1
Other Groups 6.4 86.3 33.7
Decline to Respond 8.7 0.0 0.0
TOTAL 100 100 100

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GDEP: Goals

  • A unique teaming among CSULB faculty in geography, geology, and anthropology
  • Increase number of underrepresented students with geoscience educational and research experience
  • Create seamless transition of underrepresented students from community colleges and high schools into geosciences majors at the university level
  • Increase awareness of community college and high school students of the geoscience fields, their career opportunities, and educational requirements
  • Enhance the quantity and quality of geoscience research and teaching materials by faculty members from the university, community colleges, and high schools
  • Increase the number of geoscience majors who are retained in their disciplines

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[ working on the sedimentary geology of the Monterey Formation in 
Crystal Cove State Park, Orange County, California ]

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GDEP: Collaborative Research Activities

  • 7 projects involving faculty in geography, geological sciences, and archaeology
  • 1 assessment project involving a faculty member in psychology
  • 8 weeks of laboratory and field activities during Summer 2002
  • 100% time commitment by students
  • 66% time commitment by faculty
  • Students prepared posters describing their research for a campus research colloquium in August 2002

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GDEP: Seven Projects

  • Sedimentary geology of the San Joaquin Hills Monterey Formation (Orange County, CA)
  • Structural geology of deformation bands in the San Joaquin Hills of Orange County, CA
  • Marine geology and geophysics of the offshore Palos Verde Fault (Southern California)
  • Pacific Coast of southern Mexico: Active tectonics
  • Pre-excavation geoarchaeological assessment of California Channel Island Chumash sites
  • Geophysics and GPS: Mapping Malibu Creek Adobe
  • Chaparral fire hazard analysis using remote sensing, live fuel moisture field data collection, GPS, and GIS

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[ working on vertical uncertainty of digital elevation models in the 
San Dimas Experimental Forest, Glendora, California ]

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GDEP: Summer Enrichment Workshops on Campus

  • Library skills and resources
  • Laboratory and facility tours
  • Lab and field safety
  • Scientific ethics
  • Jobs in geography and geology
  • GPS, GIS, and remote sensing
  • Presentation software (PowerPoint)
  • Web design (HTML and FTP)
  • Poster preparation for scientific conferences

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[ investigating the tectonic geomorphology of the Jalisco coast near 
Mita, Mexico ]

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GDEP: A Baseline of Student Views of the Geosciences

  • Pre-test survey was done in S/02 in Geography (n=41), Geology (n=20), and Anthropology (n=15) GE science courses, followed by post-test to establish student perceptions of geoscience before GDEP's first summer (n=76)
  • Pre-test: 76% of questions diverged significantly from neutral, 48% in a positive direction
  • Post-test: 76% of questions diverged significantly from neutral, with 57% now positive, but there is no significant difference between the pre-tests and the post-tests

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GDEP Student Surveys: Focus on Geography

  • In F/02, the surveys were re-administered. Only geography did both pre- and post-test surveys (n=20)
    • Pre-tests showed 60% of answers to be significantly different from neutral; 32% positive, 28% negative
    • Post-tests showed 50% of answers to be significantly different from neutral; 30% positive, 20% negative
    • There seems to be a convergence toward neutrality
  • There is, as yet,little improvement in student perceptions of the geosciences, including geography
  • GDEP hopes to alter our own p&alig;dagogy to improve these figures over the three years of the project

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[ culminating GDEP poster session ]

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GDEP: Student Interns' Experiences

  • Focus groups were conducted after GDEP to assess its impact on the 5 interns who completed GDEP
  • Students liked individual interactions with university faculty, the field activities and workshops, and camaraderie with peers and CSULB grad students
  • They reported seeing why math, physics, and computers are important from applications in GDEP
  • They were impressed with geoscience-related jobs
  • Students commented on positive relations among the 3 disciplines at CSULB and noted divisiveness in some of the community colleges
  • All students now want masters and doctoral degrees; all but one want to major in a geoscience and the one plans a geoscience minor

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GDEP: First Year Progress

  • Created scholarly community and collaborative process to design and carry out project goals
  • 5 students completed research projects
  • 9 community college and high school faculty participated
  • 15 CSULB faculty, staff, and graduate students participated
  • Created and implemented evaluation plan
  • Institutionalized assessment of geoscience student learning outcomes outside the GDEP projects
  • Dissemination in 4 presentations in geography and geology conferences by December 2002 and by the Web -- https://home.csulb.edu/~rodrigue/geography/gdep

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GDEP: Challenges for 2003

  • Increase number of student and faculty applicants
    • Doing recruitment talks on CC and HS campuses
    • Approaching all CC geoscience faculty, because the one-contact model fell afoul of interdisciplinary politics on the CC campuses
  • Clarify summer research expectations before GDEP starts
    • 3 GDEP dropouts were overwhelmed by field work
    • 1 of them did not realize that GDEP is a full-time job
    • We are instituting a field boot camp before student selection
  • Expand scope of evaluation
    • We are instituting pre-test/post-test surveys in all GDEP faculty lower division courses to monitor changes in our instructional effectiveness after GDEP experience (CSULB, CC, and HS)
    • We are going to start focus groups in those classes to get qualitative data on benefits to non-participating students due to GDEP

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Geoscience Diversity
Enhancement Project:
Student Responses

Christine M. Rodrigue, Suzanne Wechsler, David Whitney,
Elizabeth L. Ambos, María-Teresa Ramírez-Herrera, Richard
Behl, Robert D. Francis, Daniel O. Larson, and Crisanne Hazen

California State University, Long Beach

(Geography, Geological Sciences, Anthropology,
Psychology, Science Education)


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Maintained by Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue
First placed on the web: 03/08/03
Last revised: 03/08/03