Geography Tenure-Track Search
[ Logo Image: Old map of Planet Earth fading into images of 
California State University, Long Beach ]
      Department of Geography
College of Liberal Arts
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840-1101 USA

Tenure-Track Search

Position Description

Recruitment Number: 146
Effective 27 August 2007


POSITION: Tenure-track position in Cartography/Geovisualization

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in geography or related field with research specialization in cartography, geovisualization, map use and design, spatial cognition, data visualization, and/or geospatial web/interactive mapping/GIS, demonstrated or potential ability for effective teaching in major courses in areas of expertise; demonstrated or potential ability and willingness to generate support for research and graduate student support in the area of mapping from extramural local, State, and Federal sources; ability to communicate effectively with an ethnically and culturally diverse campus community.

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: some combination of expertise and/or experience in graphic design, interactive cartography, and/or web-based mapping; familiarity with critical cartography research; ability to contribute to the geography curriculum in other areas; experience or willingness to work in collaborative research teams.


  1. teach and develop courses that address map analysis, cartography, cartographic design, and visualization in a GIS software environment (existing courses include introduction to geospatial techniques, map reading and interpretation, principles of thematic map design, advanced concepts in presentation cartography, and GIS)
  2. conduct research and seek extramural funding in areas of expertise
  3. develop and teach courses in cartographic design, geovisualization, data visualization, and interactive web mapping
  4. supervise graduate students and teach graduate seminars in geography
  5. attend Geography Department meetings and participate in Geography, College, and University affairs.

Commensurate with training and experience; probable beginning salary: $56,000.


Review of applications to begin 1 December 2006.


Applicants should forward:

  1. Letter of application addressing qualifications, research activities, and teaching interests
  2. Curriculum vitae
  3. Current e-mail address
  4. Names and contact information for three references
  5. Official transcript from institution awarding highest degree
  6. Writing/research/map samples
  7. Teaching evaluations or other evidence of teaching effectiveness or potential

Applications, required documentation, and/or requests for information should be addressed to:

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue, Chair
Department of Geography
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840-1101
1 (562) 985-4895 or -4977
1 (562) 985-8993 (fax)
In addition to meeting fully its obligations under federal and state law, CSULB is committed to creating a community in which a diverse population can learn, live and work in an atmosphere of tolerance, civility and respect for the rights and sensibilities of each individual without regard to economic status, ethnic background, political views, or other personal characteristics or beliefs. An EO EMPLOYER.


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