Department of Geography

College of Liberal Arts

California State University, Long Beach


Student News as of 10 May 2002


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Apply Now!!! NASA-Funded Internships!!!

Spring/Summer 2002 and Summer/Fall 2002 Semesters

Southern California Wildfire Hazard Center

A NASA Regional Earth Science Application Center (RESAC)

Course Credit

GEOG 492 Internship in Applied Geography -- 3 units

Good Pay


Unique Experience
A blended package that focuses on field vegetation sampling and analysis as well as laboratory-based satellite image processing in support of Center research and operational goals. Teaching modules, laboratory tours, and selected workshops help provide a well-rounded experience that can be an important addition to any student's résumé.


Completion of, or current enrollment in, one of the following:
  • GEOG 483 Introduction to Remote Sensing
  • GEOG 485 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

or both of the following:

  • GEOG 200 Introduction to Research Methods
  • GEOG 380 Map Interpretation and Analysis


Dr. Suzanne Wechsler
(562) 985-2356


Dr. Christopher Lee

(562) 985-2358


Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration

SOAR held its orientation workshops for the College of Liberal Arts on the 8th of January, and eight new Geography majors participated. Dr. Rodrigue, the Department Chair, was there to meet with the new majors and answer their questions. They bring a mix of environmental, cultural, regional, and educational interests and goals. The Department is very pleased to welcome:
  • Mr. John Callanan
  • Mr. Greg Cavlovic
  • Mr. Christopher DeJesus
  • Ms. Doreen Jeffrey
  • Mr. Scott Kaller
  • Mr. Brett Katsuyama
  • Ms. Reiko Tanihara
  • Mr. Mike Tokumoto


Important Dates


Advisors for Spring 2002


Scholarships and Student Support


Great Things Students Are Doing

Our Own Steve Newberg Wins the CSULB "Battle of the Minds"

The Department is proud to announce that Mr. Steven Newberg, graduate student, won the CSULB "Battle of the Minds" chess championship on Thursday, 8 November! There were 25-30 competitors battling for some pretty significant prizes. Steve won a computer multimedia system (and he's already a web terror without this!), a dinner for two at Marrakesh in Newport Beach, and a car wash gift certificate. There is a quid pro quo, however: He has to represent CSULB in the upcoming intercollegiate chess championships (January 2002). Our students are doing all sorts of surprising stuff around campus! Congratulations! And good luck, too!

Jorge Quintero

Geography grad student, Jorge Quintero, stopped by for graduate advising and happened to mention that, after the HTML boot camp of Geography 600 a couple of years ago, he wound up the webmaster for the Long Beach Group of the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club! Check out his elegant artistry at:! Way to GO, Monsieur Quintero!!!

CSULB Geography Students Win ESRI Mapping Honors!!!

Graduate students, Mike Jenkins and Shaun Healy, and recent graduate, Caroline Kolb, were fêted at the ESRI International User Conference 2001 by earning second prize in the Map Gallery Best Cartographic Publication entry was the City Street Map they had done for the City of Lakewood. Thanks to Dr. Frank Gossette for this news item, who remarked, "Map On!!!" We are way proud of your achievement, folks! For more details, check out

Steve Newberg

The Department just learned that one of our graduate students, Mr. Steve Newberg, has been working as a GIS technician for the Port of Long Beach. He says he's been there a couple of months already and that it's a lot of fun applying GIS and the working environment is very nice and stimulating. Way to go, mountain lion webmeister! <G>

Christiane Candelaria

Earth Science Associates, a small petroleum research/software development firm in Long Beach sought a part-time undergraduate or graduate student in geography or geology for administrative and research work. ESA specializes in quantitative analysis in oil and gas exploration and development, GIS, and creation of spatial analysis tools. Projects range from model development through building add-on tools for spatial analysis to empirical, site-specific projects for clients. ESA's clients are mainly major oil and gas companies, but they also include other consulting firms and government agencies.

The Department is delighted to learn that our own Ms. Christiane Candelaria was the student chosen for this challenging position! Congratulations!


Student Research Activities

Ms. Romey Hagen and Mr. Aziz Bakkoury, graduate students and research associates in the Southern California Wildfire Hazard Center, and Dr. Christopher Lee, made a presentation to the Association of American Geographers in Los Angeles this March:

"Southern California Wildfire Hazards Center: A Regional Earth Science Applications Center."

Mr. Shaun Healy, graduate student and research associate in the Southern California Wildfire Hazard Center, also presented at the AAG:

"Cultural geography: An experiment in hypermedia."

Ms. Valerie Müller went to the Urban Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), Montego Bay, Jamaica in September of 2001 to present:

"Using GIS in Urban Planning -- Updating 27 General Plan Maps in Southern California."

Mr. Thomas Ellrott, a geography graduate student, traveled to the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers in Santa Barbara in September 2001, in order to present:

"Southern California Surf Culture Through the Construction and Deconstruction of Surf-Place Images in Huntington Beach, California."

Ms. Erin Stockenberg, gave a talk with Dr. Suzanne Wechsler to the GIS Expo at Cal Poly in Pomona, May 2001:
"Environmental and Natural Resource Applications of GIS: Course Development."

Mr. Ed Huefe, a graduate student, went to the AAG meeting in New York in March 2001, where he made the following presentation:
"Across the Borderline: U.S.-Mexico Borderlands as Locus of Transformation in North American Popular Music."

A large contingent of graduate students made their way to Portland in early February 2001 for the 5th Annual Western Geography Student Conference. This group, in fact, won the prize for the most highly represented department at the meeting (and thanks to Dr. Chris Lee for supporting the students' travel to this meeting). On top of the general great attendance, students presented two papers, entitled:

"In the Line of Fire: An Investigation into the Relationship between Aspect and Fire History in the Santa Monica Mountains, 1925-1997" by Lewis Francis, Romey Hagen, Shaun Healy, and Steve Newberg.


"Using GIS to Update 27 General Plan Maps" by Valerie Müller

Nice job!! The Department is really proud of you! For photographs of the delegation, check out the Portland Files.


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