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Apply Now!!! NASA-Funded Internships!!!
Spring/Summer 2002 and Summer/Fall 2002 Semesters
Southern California Wildfire Hazard Center
A NASA Regional Earth Science Application Center (RESAC)Course Credit
GEOG 492 Internship in Applied Geography -- 3 unitsGood Pay
Unique Experience$13.00/hr.
A blended package that focuses on field vegetation sampling and analysis as well as laboratory-based satellite image processing in support of Center research and operational goals. Teaching modules, laboratory tours, and selected workshops help provide a well-rounded experience that can be an important addition to any student's résumé.Requirements
Completion of, or current enrollment in, one of the following:
- GEOG 483 Introduction to Remote Sensing
- GEOG 485 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
or both of the following:
- GEOG 200 Introduction to Research Methods
- GEOG 380 Map Interpretation and Analysis
Dr. Suzanne WechslerLA4-206E
(562) 985-2356
Dr. Christopher Lee
(562) 985-2358
SOAR held its orientation workshops for the College of Liberal Arts on the 8th of January, and eight new Geography majors participated. Dr. Rodrigue, the Department Chair, was there to meet with the new majors and answer their questions. They bring a mix of environmental, cultural, regional, and educational interests and goals. The Department is very pleased to welcome:
- Mr. John Callanan
- Mr. Greg Cavlovic
- Mr. Christopher DeJesus
- Ms. Doreen Jeffrey
- Mr. Scott Kaller
- Mr. Brett Katsuyama
- Ms. Reiko Tanihara
- Mr. Mike Tokumoto
The Department offers scholarships from three different funds for the benefit of different groups of students. The applications for the Spring 2002 awards are now available online: You can view them, print them, and then turn them in to Dr. Judith Tyner. You'll need the free Adobe Reader program to read these applications, which you can get by clicking here.
Also, related to this, Associated Students also has $6,000 in its own student travel fund, which can only be used for actual transportation costs (i.e., not for conference registration). To get a copy of their form, you stop in at the A.S. Government office on the third floor of the University Student Union, Room 311. For more information, you can call them at (562) 985-5241.
The Department is delighted to learn that our own Ms. Christiane Candelaria was the student chosen for this challenging position! Congratulations!
"In the Line of Fire: An Investigation into the Relationship between Aspect and Fire History in the Santa Monica Mountains, 1925-1997" by Lewis Francis, Romey Hagen, Shaun Healy, and Steve Newberg.and
"Using GIS to Update 27 General Plan Maps" by Valerie Müller
Nice job!! The Department is really proud of you! For photographs of the delegation, check out the Portland Files.
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