Department of Geography

College of Liberal Arts

California State University, Long Beach


Abstracts of Conference Presentations


Mr. Norman Carter

Mr. Carter will present:

"Use of the Internet as a pedagogical tool in a junior-level environmental geography course," to the Association of American Geographer meeting in Philadelphia in mid March 2004.

Rapid technological advances in computers continue to present challenges to geography educators. This paper evaluates the use of the Internet as a pedagogical tool at the university level in a junior level environmental geography course. This course was selected because it uses both behaviorist and constructivist instruction techniques. Course lecture and discussion were supplemented by a web page assignment requiring each student to author a home page, use the Internet as a research vehicle and publish original content.

The students participating in this assignment reported an enhanced learning experience for the class, enhanced learning skills suitable for other classes, and high levels of personal and academic satisfaction. The main characteristic of students that influenced their performance was their level of computer literacy skills. The Internet can be successfully used as a pedagogical tool in geography courses if the faculty and students become proficient in the skills necessary to access, manipulate, and use information technologies.


Dr. Unna I. Lassiter

Will present:
"The Social Construction of Authenticity and Attitudes toward Animals," to the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, March 2002.

Given increased wildlife-human conflicts, protracted difficulties of negotiating compromise for the environment, and the heavy demands of enforcement, conservation biologists have expressed the need to better understand the social aspects of conservation biology. My goal is to propose a typology of how social characteristics enter into the acceptance or rejection of various ways of knowing animals (making scientific education more or less effective); different conservation initiatives; and particular animals and the contexts in which they live. This work is based on anthropologist James Clifford's investigation of the social construction of authenticity and discriminative taste in the arts, from fine arts to crafts. From this I have articulated a typology of how authenticity is ascribed to particular animals and their related contexts, according to various ideologies and attitudes ranging between anthropocentrism and biocentrism. This work differs from most attitudinal research in that attitudes are understood as processes involving geographic scales of influence, namely global (economic and political trends), local (socio-cultural characteristics and mediating institutions), and individual (basic environmental values, knowledge of animals, species preference, interactions with animals) contexts and their influence on pulic attitudes toward animals.

Dr. Lassiter also presented:

"Cultural Diversity and the Construction of Marine Animals," to the Association of American Geographers, New York, March 2001.

The relationship between cultural diversity and attitudes toward marine animals is examined on the basis of an understanding of culture as a place-based process, and a focus of the local level where attitudes are socio- culturally mediated (between individual and global levels). This research employs qualitative approaches in order to more directly understand how and why particular attitudes emerge. Such explanation was premised on recent research in animal geography that highlights the role of identity formation and disenfranchisement in defining how animals are considered. In a first part, focus groups with inner city low income women of different ethnicities (African American, Latina, Chicana, Chinese, Filipina) were organized in Los Angeles, to identify the spectrum of attitudes toward marine animals, and dimensions of urban diversity (such as culture, class, socio-demographics and ethico-political stances). Interviews were also conducted with managers of local Marine Animal Oriented Organizations (MAOOs) to clarify how they are positioned vis-a-vis cultural factors and difference. Analysis showed that culture plays an important role in the formation of attitudes toward marine animals. Specific processes of identity formation emerged, related to oppression and to privilege, and were expressed in cultural contests. Science was key in this struggle for dominance, as was cultural relativism, and these processes were highly dependent on place. This research exemplifies how more explanatory understandings of attitudes can be provided, demonstrates the importance of considering culture in the process.of attitude formation, and helps to explain the persistence of non mainstream practices and attitudes. Some of the novel aspects of this work also include a focus on the attitudes of inner city ethnically diverse women and of managers of a range of MAOOs, and an emphasis on marine animals. The research was also carried out through approaches rarely used in attitudes toward animals research. Finally, the conceptual framework was significant in its distinct geographic emphasis on place.


Mr. Noel Ludwig

will present:

"Gold in Them Thar Hills: Do We Need to Protect Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents?" to the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, 19-23 March 2002.

Deep-sea hydrothermal vents, first discovered in 1977, are of great interest to biologists, geologists, and--increasingly--mining companies. To date, biologists have described more than 500 new species and 150 new genera from vents throughout the world's oceans. Scientific research has caused some minor damage to these communities, for example by blinding vent shrimp with floodlights and breaking off "black smoker" spires intentionally and accidentally. However, since 1997 governments have issued or considered leases to several vent sites in the southwest and western Pacific, where gold and silver concentrations in polymetalic sulfides appear sufficient to justify the cost of extraction. Experts estimate that such mining may commence within a decade, and could have a negative impact on the quality of these sites for both resident fauna and scientific study. Although vent ecosystems appear to be extremely resilient to natural changes in their environment, these developments nonetheless raise the question of whether some vent sites should be placed off-limits to mining or even certain scientific investigation practices. This poster will give an overview of the known disribution of vent communities, as well as sulfide deposits at which venting and biological activity have ceased. I will then use legal, geologic, biogeographic, and economic information to assess whether certain vent sites may merit being set aside by either national governments or the international community as under some form of protected status.


Mr. James A. Woods

Together with Dr. Frank Gossette, Mr. James A. Woods will be presenting:
"Wildfire Hazard in Southern California," to the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, March 2002.

Wildfires in the woodland and chaparral areas of Southern California continue to be a major threat to people and property. As encroachment into this wildland urban interface continues, there is a need to identify high fire hazard zones. As part of an ongoing program to map the perimeters of wildfires in Los Angeles County since the early 1900's, this study develops methods to visualize and assess fire hazard by integrating maps, imagery, and demographic data from the 2000 Census. Using geographic information systems technology, different models of assessing hazard will be examined and evaluated.


Mr. Doug Behrens

"Eggplant Production in California," to the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, March 2002.

This study considers the production of eggplant in the state of California. It begins with a history of the crop and continues on to the major geographical locations where eggplant is currently grown. The role of climate, and in some cases, successful production in what may be considered less than optimum climatic conditions is emphasized. Differing planting times and methods throughout the differing geographic areas of the state are covered. Various means of irrigation, soil preparation, and the use of integrated pest management are detailed.

The Department is proud to announce that Mr. Behrens daughter, Ms. Denise Behrens, who works in the department office and is a math major at CSULB, also participated in the Los Angeles AAG meetings. So, Ms. Behrens, have you given consideration to earning a master's degree in, say, oh, ... geography? ;-) Her AAG paper is entitled:

"Los Angeles Chinatown and its New Business Improvement District,"

This study will discuss the current conditions of the Los Angeles Chinatown area, as well as the effects of the recently established Los Angeles Chinatown Business Improvement District. Recently, with the assistance of special financial assessments, some members of the community have organized various programs in an attempt to attract patronage to Chinatown. Although these programs may help, many still feel Chinatown faces challenges in its attempt to revitalize, such as strong business competition from other nearby Asian communities, as well as its own local problems, such as its proximity to crime and what many visitors consider to be a deteriorating outward appearance. Therefore, the main question that will be considered in this study is, can this business improvement district idea successfully revitalize Chinatown? Or is this effort too little, too late? These questions as well as many other issues will be discussed in this report.

Dr. Terence Young

will present:

"Nature's Pilgrims: American Camping from 1869 to 1940," to the American Society for Environmental History, Denver, March 2002.

The modern idea of camping, as a recreational end in itself, appeared with America's post-Civil War urbanization. Escaping their everyday lives, middle- class city dwellers began to camp in rural settings where they could take up a leisurely, if temporary, relationship with nature. During the Nineteenth Century and into the beginning of the Twentieth, locations relatively close to home satisfied most enthusiasts because of the difficulties and costs associated with long-distance camping. Starting in the 1910s, however, an army of campers began to seek both rural and wild nature across the American landscape as innovation and mass production reduced the costs and improved the technology of cars, camp stoves, lanterns, sleeping bags, tents, and other equipment.

Drawing on the work of anthropologists Mary Douglas and Victor Turner, I will argue that campers were urbanized anti-urbanists who could not abandon the city so instead took to this recreation as a form of pilgrimage back to the city's antithesis, "nature." Like other exculpatory rituals, camping employed a set of formal behaviors and myths to guide its practitioners into contact with this sacred source of Americaness. When properly practiced, immersion into the "purity" of the natural environment cleansed campers of the "dirt" of urban life and re-invigorated them for another round of city life. Conversely, even though campers shared a common goal, they grew more socially and spatially isolated from each other during these seven decades as technological innovation fostered new camping modes and provided access to an expanding array of "natural" yet disjunct destinations. This process of segmentation and isolation has continued into the present, increasing the frequency and intensity of conflicts among campers over the allocation of the limited resources available for the many modes and locations they enjoy.

He will also present:

"GIS and Public Participation Planning: Recommendations from Hollywood, California," to the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, 19-23 March 2002.

In the last 150 years, planning has become an expected feature of urban management and generally been run as a top-down, expert-driven process relying ever more heavily upon complex technologies like Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In recent decades, however, critics have called for less emphasis on formal expertise and greater public participation (PP) in planning. PPGIS emerged during the last five years as a process to reduce the technology's negative consequences, but as the participants in a 1998 National Center for Geographic Information & Analysis workshop noted, PPGIS practitioners need metrics to assess both their products and processes, possessing little understanding or documentation of successful or unsuccessful endeavors and the reasons for their outcome levels. In my presentation, I will begin by comparing the approaches and assumptions embraced in PPGIS with those current in the larger and older Public Participation Planning and Design (PPPD) literatures to illuminate issues and possibilities slipping by geographers. Next, I will report the reactions of residents in ethnically diverse, older neighborhoods in east Hollywood, CA to GIS in community environmental planning. USC researchers gathered their views during a series of focus groups and telephone surveys in Summer 2001. Finally, I will analyze the PPGIS and PPPD approaches in light of these field results to recommend how GIS might better be employed to meet the needs of community groups.


Dr. Stephen R. Koletty

"L.A. Pacifika: Pacific Islander Communities in Los Angeles," to the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, March 2002.

The closing decades of the twentieth century witnessed increasing numbers of Pacific Islanders leaving their island homes for the urban centers of the Pacific Rim. This movement has resulted in the formation of an archipelago of islander communities up and down the U.S. west coast, particularly in Los Angeles. Virtually invisible in the multiethnic urban cacophony that is Los Angeles, these commlunities now represent important population centers of Pacific Islanders, and have become island places in their own right. Islanders have been able to transplant important features of their village life and culture. This expression of traditional islander values and institutions across international boundaries and world inequalities defines a new geography of Oceania. This paper locates the various communities of Hawaiians, Samoans, Guamanians, and other Pacific Island people in Los Angeles. I discuss their significant attributes, and examine elements of their emerging urban culture including continuing linkages to their home islands and also collaborations between the different islander communities.

While there, Dr. Koletty also conducted two field trips, "Ethnic LA (1) Latino, Korean, and African-American Areas" and "Ethnic LA (2) Industry and Mexican and Chinese Areas."

Additionally, he presented:

"Tiki L.A. -- Geography of an Urban Exotica," to the Association of American Geographers, New York, March 2001.

Portrayals of the South Pacific in literature, in art and especially in film have long captivated the public imagination. This fascination has left its imprint on landscapes quite distant from the region. For a variety of reasons this imprint has had a particularly marked effect in Southern California. Infatuation with the South Pacific mystique reached its heyday during the fifties and sixties with the proliferation of Polynesian themed nightclubs, restaurants, motels and other commercial establishments. In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in what has come to be called Tiki culture. This poster presentation examines the stylistic forms and distribution of the unique visual features of Tiki Culture that still embellish the urban setting of Los Angeles. Interestingly, their distinctive geography contrasts sharply with settlement patterns of actual Pacific Islanders now residing in the city.


Dr. Nurudeen O. Alao

Will present:
"Development as Tension-Driven Process," to the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, March 2002.

The paper argues that development in geographic space results from an interplay of tensions or conflicts which can be rank-ordered according to their potential for accelerating or retarding spatial development.That potential will vary with the historical and environmental characteristics of the geographic space as will the rank-ordering of the conflicts.It argues that although many and varied definitions of development exist in economics and geography,a meaningful conception of development must include three ingredients: a)sustained flow of goods and services which confers high quality of livelihood ; b) enlargement of opportunities and facilitation of access to the latter in accordance with civilized rules which treat all citizens as equal; c)a sustained system gravitation towards diminishing income inequality and a sustained system progress towards welfare equalization.These ingredients result from tensions between growth and inequality, between capital accumulation and brain drain, between uncertain market signals, incomplete market structures and wrong-headed central commands, and between import substitution and export promotion. The analysis is shown to be capable of explaining the empirically observed varying regression relationships between growth and spatial inequality in different regions as well as the paradox of resource-rich countries failing to develop.


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