California State University, Long Beach
[ Planet Earth horizon ]   Department of   Geography
    Contact information
    Graduate study
    Undergraduate study
    Courses offered
    Course web pages
    Class schedule S/02
    Cartography/GIS certificate
    GIS certificate via Extension
    Wildfire RESAC
    Geography-related internships
    Scholarships in geography
    Open lab hours
    Alumni news
    College of Liberal Arts
    Library catalogue
    Alumni information
    CSULB home
    Intl Geographical Union
    Assoc Am Geographers
    Am Geographical Society
    Natl Cncl Geographic Educ
    N Am Cartographic Info Soc
    Univ Consortium on GIS
    National Geographic
    NASA Earth science
    US Geological Survey
    Assoc Pacific Coast Geog
    Calif Geographic Society
    LA Geographical Society
[ NASA image of Earth ] Geographers study the interaction between human societies and their environments, characterize the regions and localities that result, and analyze the spatial distributions and processes of particular natural and human phenomena. Being equally a natural science and a social science, geography forms an interdisciplinary bridge between the physical and human worlds. Thus, geographers have always been comfortable applying multidisciplinary approaches to solve real-world problems.

Tenure-track job: Urban geography
Tenure-track job: Environmental geog.
Remote sensing lecturer (18 mo.)
Part-time lecturers
Tenure-track job: Women's Studies (applicants with Ph.D. in Geography encouraged)


What can we here in Long Beach and the Greater Los Angeles Area do to express our grief and solidarity with the victims of the terrorist acts of September 11th? Besides resuming our normal lives to counter the intent to produce terror and disruption, probably the most useful thing we can do at this point is donate blood and money to the Red Cross. Here are links for that purpose:

  • To donate money online, visit:

  • To send a check made out to the "American Red Cross of Greater Los Angeles,"designating it for the disaster relief fund. Send it to:

    2700 Wilshire Boulevard
    Los Angeles, CA 90057

  • To donate by telephone, call 1-800-HELP NOW (1-800-435-7669)

  • To find a place and time to donate blood, call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE

  • To locate blood donation centers in your area, visit

  • To learn more about Red Cross activities locally in response to this disaster, visit:

  • Additionally, many other excellent organizations are providing direct assistance to the families of the victims. Dr. Roni Wade, (Dr. Frank Gossette's wife, has sent on a Word document containing contact information, which you can access by clicking here.


Revised: 11/06/01
