Department of Geography

College of Liberal Arts

California State University, Long Beach


Certificate in Cartography and Geographical Information Systems


code 1-8040

Dr. Judith Tyner, Director
Dr. Franklin Gossette, Associate Director

This program offers specialized training in a variety of theoretical and applied cartographic techniques. The program is designed to provide experience in communication through maps and serves as a supplement to standard degree programs. It provides essential training for those seeking map-making careers in both the public and private sector.


  1. A bachelor's degree, which may be earned concurrently.
  2. Consultation with the director of the program.
  3. 30 units distributed as follows:

    A. Courses marked with an * are required;
    B. At lease one elective must be taken from each category;
    C. Courses marked with ** are not available to undergraduate students.

    Design and Presentation

    GEOG 482*, 484*
    GEOG 200 (or equivalent)*, 380*, 400, 483*, 485*, MATH 101 (or equivalent), 117.
    GEOG 486, 488*, 492/592, 680**, CE 225, ME 172, GEOL 535**.

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This document is maintained by: Dr. Rodrigue
Last Updated: 05/19/00