Department of Geography
College of Liberal Arts
California State University, Long Beach
Undergraduate Advisor
- Dr. Richard Outwater,
- It is very important to come in for advising on a regular basis
as you begin the program, move through it and clarify your goals, and get
ready to graduate. Advising is more than just going over requirements and
units: It can also really help students to develop their areas of interest
and learn about appropriate concentrations in the major. Advising also helps
connect students with internships, careers, and graduate school opportunities,
as well as with activities and events that may be of interest during their
time as undergraduates.
- For undergraduate advising during Fall 2000, you can just drop in
Dr. Outwater's office any time during his office hours:
- MW 10 a.m. to noon
- MW 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
- T 9:30 a.m. to noon
- T 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- Other hours are also available by appointment. Probably the
easiest way is just to e-mail Dr. Outwater, but you can telephone him, too,
and you are welcome to pop your head in the door any time you see it open and
set up an appointment.
- Office: LA4 103B
- Telephone: (562) 985-4405
- E-Mail:
and GIS certificate
Graduate Advisor
Dr. Joel
Splansky, Professor
- Office: LA4 106
- Telephone: (562) 985-4454
- E-mail:
program overview
program requirements
This document is maintained by: Dr. Rodrigue
Last Updated: 08/14/00