GIScience Certificate
[ Logo Image: Old map of Planet Earth fading into images of 
California State University, Long Beach ]
      Department of Geography
College of Liberal Arts
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840-1101 USA

Certificate in Geographic Information Science

code GEOGCT01 (1-8040)


Dr. Franklin Gossette

Associate Directors
Dr. Judith Tyner
Dr. Christopher T. Lee
Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler

Undergraduate Advisor
Dr. Paul Laris


This program offers specialized training in a variety of theoretical and applied cartographic techniques. The program is designed to provide experience in quantitative spatial analysis through GIS, working with remotely sensed imagery and field-derived data, and effective communication through maps. The certificate serves as a supplement to standard degree programs. It provides essential training for those seeking careers in the geospatial technologies in both the public and private sector.


  1. A bachelor's degree, which may be earned concurrently.
  2. Consultation with the director of the program and the undergraduate advisor.
  3. 30 units distributed as follows:

    A. CORE REQUIREMENTS (15 units)

    Geography 380 (Map Interpretation and Analysis)
    Geography 482 (Map Design for Presentation and GIS)
    Geography 473 (Remote Sensing)
    Geography 485/585 (Principles of Geographical Information Science)

    B. SPECIALIZATION (12 units selected from the following with the approval of the Director and Undergraduate Advisor):

    Geography 400 (Geographical Analysis)
    Geography 484 (Advanced Concepts in Presentation Cartography)
    Geography 474 (Digital Image Processing)
    Geography 475/575 (Geographical Applications in Remote Sensing)
    Geography 487A/587A (Applications of GIS: Environment and Natural Resources)
    Geography 487B/587B (Applications of GIS: Urban and Economic)
    Geography 488/588 (Advanced Topics in Geographical Information Science)
    Geography 680 (Seminar in Geospatial Science)
    Geography 494 (Special Topics)
    Geography 497 (Directed Studies)
    Geography 697 (Directed Research)

    C. ELECTIVE (3-4 units)

    Any course chosen from the Specialization courses listed above OR
    One of the following, chosen with the approval of the Director and Undergraduate Advisor:
    Geography 381 (Maps and Civilization)
    Geography 481 (Geographic Information Science for Natural Sciences)
    Geography 492 (Internship in Applied Geography)
    A course in databases
    A course in graphic design
    A course in surveying and mapping

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    This document is maintained by: Dr. Rodrigue
    Last Updated: 03/08/07