GEOG 600 Annotated Bibliographies

Seminar in Regional Geography

California as Hazard: Spring 2000


* Ken Baloun, Remote Sensing and GIS in the Study of Wildland Fire
* Richer Boudreau, El Niño
* Suzanne Byrne-Dronkers, Flood Hazards, Emphasizing the 1997 Yosemite Valley Flood
* Lewis Francis, Landslides, Emphasizing California
* Ron Menguita, Technological Hazards
* Keith Miller, Non-Point Source Water Pollution
* Steve Newberg, California Mountain Lions
* Jan Olsen, none
* Sarah Powers, Smog
* Jorge Quintero, Landslides
* Loretta Simmerman, Bee Hazards


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Last revision: 05/24/00