[ image of Mars ]       

The Geography of Mars


Christine M. Rodrigue, Ph.D.

Department of Geography
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840-1101
1 (562) 985-4895

Viewgraphs for Midterm

* Introduction (4.9 meg)

* Early explorations: eyeball (0.3 meg)
* Later Earth-based explorations: telescope (4.2 meg)
* Earth-based explorations: spectral studies (0.6 meg)

* Remote sensing basics (0.1 meg)
* Venturing into space (0.6 meg)

* Early robotic explorations (3.2 meg)
* Later robotic explorations (5.9 meg)

* Mars Exploration Rovers (3.0 meg)
* European missions (15.0 meg)

* Missions: 2008 through 2018 (22.5 meg)
* Mars in space (3.9 meg)

* A whole new vocabulary (5.2 meg)
* 1st order: Crustal dichotomy (8.3 meg)
* 1st order: Endo/exogenous (10.5 meg)

* 1st order: Tharsis (1.6 meg)


Viewgraphs for Final

* 2nd order: Great craters (Hellas, Argyre) (13.8 meg)
* 2nd order: Great craters (Isidis, Utopia) (6.0 meg)
* 2nd order: Elysium Rise, Valles Marineris (16.2 meg)

* 2nd order: Chryse Trough, Kasei Valles, Thaumasia (25.8 meg)

* 2nd order: Syrtis "Blue Scorpion," Polar Ice Caps (10.5 meg)
* 3rd order: Noachian regions, Part A (24.7 meg -- animation)
* 3rd order: Noachian regions, Part B 33.1 meg!)

* 3rd order: Hesperian regions, Part A (24.6 meg)
* 3rd order: Hesperian regions, Part B (30.5 meg)
* 3rd order: Amazonian regions (13.8 meg)

* Mars' atmosphere (2.3 meg)
* Mars' climates (13.3 meg)
* Mars of the mind: Literature, psychology, policy (18.7 meg)

[ orthographic image of Mars on a black background ] [ Olympus Mons seen at oblique angle that gives a 3-d sense ] [ Mars explorer ]

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This document is maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First placed online: 01/15/07
Last updated: 11/30/22