GEOG 400/500 Readings
Multivariate Geographical Analysis
- Grimm, Laurence G. and Yarnold, Paul R.(eds.) 1998.
- Reading and Understanding Multivariate Statistics. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Required first week, Ch. 1, "Introduction to Multivariate Statistics," by L.G. Grimm and P.R. Yarnold.
Required third week, Ch. 2, "Multiple Regression and Correlation," by M.H. Licht.
Required fifth week, Ch. 4, "Principal-Components Analysis and Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor
Analysis,"by Fred B. Bryant and Paul R. Yarnold.
- Wilkinson, Leland. 2008.
- k-means clustering. Java Applets. Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Required sixth week
- Palmer, Michael. No date.
- Detrended correspondence analysis. Ordination Methods for Ecologists. Botany Department, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
Required seventh week
- Hoffrage, Ulrich; Lindsey, Samuel; Hertwig, Ralph; and Gigerenzer, Gerd. 2000.
- Communicating statistical information. Science 290, 5500:2261- 2262.
Optional but startling
- Lane, David M. 2013.
- Hyperstat Online. Available at
On an as-needed refresher basis.
- McDonald, John H. 2014.
- Handbook of Biological Statistics. Available at
On an as-needed refresher basis.
- Hammer, Øyvind. 2022.
- PAST PAleontological STatistics Reference Manual, Version 4.11. Available at
On an as-needed refresher basis.
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Last Updated: 08/15/22