GEOG 400 Readings

Geographical Analysis


Grimm, Laurence G. and Yarnold, Paul R.(eds.) 1998.
Reading and Understanding Multivariate Statistics. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

* As of 01/30/12, Ch. 1, "Introduction to Multivariate Statistics," by L.G. Grimm and P.R. Yarnold.
* As of 02/15/12, Ch. 2, "Multiple Regression and Correlation," by M.H. Licht.
* As of 03/07/12, Ch. 4, "Principal-Components Analysis and Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor
      Analysis,"by Fred B. Bryant and Paul R. Yarnold.

Hoffrage, Ulrich; Lindsey, Samuel; Hertwig, Ralph; and Gigerenzer, Gerd. 2000.
Communicating statistical information. Science 290, 5500:2261- 2262.

* Optional but startling

Lane, David M. 2008.
Hyperstat Online. Available at

* On an as-needed refresher basis.

Wendorf, Craig A. 2011.
Manuals for Univariate and Multivariate Statistics. Available at

* On an as-needed supplementary basis.
Hill, Thomas, and Lewicki, Pawel. 2005.
Statistics: Methods and Applications. Statsoft. Available at

* On an as-needed reference basis.

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This document is maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
Last Updated: 01/22/12
